


私は「真の信仰 対 偽りの信仰」について、使徒的スクールの新しい教えを始めたばかりです。
信仰は単に 私たちが何を信じているのかだけではなく、信仰は「私たちが神から何を聞いているのか」でもあります。
私たちは聖霊によって導かれなければなりません! 神から聞くことは、神が成そうとすることについて、私たちの信仰に火をつけ燃え上がらせることもあります。


世の中の反キリストの霊は、私たちの信仰によってのみ打ち負かされます (1ヨハネ 5:4)。


1. 聖書のことばによって。
2. すべての信者のうちにおられる神の御霊によって。
3. 使徒たちと預言者たちによって。
4. 夢と幻によって。
5. 神の天使たちによって。
6. 預言的しるしによって。
7. 聖書の暦によって。

私たちがこの暦に従うにつれ、この暦は私たちを神とつながるように導き、私たちを毎年 神の祝福に増し加わるようにとさせます!


1.「聖書のことばと 神の声」は種です。

Zoom カンファレンス事前申込みURL:https://gaiuslawrence.com/event/online-230902/(申込期限9/1まで!)

神は、私たちに語っておられます! 神はすべての信者に、神の暦の中で私たちが置かれている季節を知って欲しいと願っておられます。

使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation- What is God saying about the New Year 5784?

Dear listening saints!

I have just started the new apostolic school teaching on Real faith vs False faith.
Faith is not just what we believe, but it is what we are HEARING from God.
We are to be led by the Holy Spirit! Hearing from God can ignite our faith in what God is wanting to do.

We are moving into the new year of 5784 in the Biblical calendar.
There are many things that is happening in the church and the world.
God is speaking. Satan is speaking. Many human beings are trying to figure things out about this world.
If we are the true church or a true believer, we must listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church (Rev.3:6).

God is speaking a lot right now about leaving our false faith and move into a new faith level that will destroy the works of Satan and demons.
The antichrist spirit in the world is only defeated by our faith (1 John 5:4).

By faith we overcome Satan, demons, sin, temptations, sickness, generational curses, Christian curses, witchcraft, Jezebel, and other principalities and powers!
Yes every believer is called to win!

God speaks to us in many ways.

Here are some ways He speaks:
1. By the Word of God.
2. By the Spirit of God in every believer.
3. By apostles and prophets.
4. By dreams and visions
5. By angels
6. By prophetic signs
7. By the Biblical calendar

God has from the beginning had a calendar that will continue forever!
As we follow this calendar it causes us to connect with God, and also causes us to increase in the blessings of God every year!

We are now moving into the reaping season.
If we sow at the right time and we sow into a good ground, then as we water our seed our seeds will grow.

What is a seed in the Bible?
1. The Word of God and the voice of God is a seed.
2. Our daily words are spiritual seeds.
3. Our daily action is a seed.
4. Our money is a seed.

Robert Heidler will be showing us what this New Year of 5784 will be about this Saturday morning.
Zoom Conference URL:https://gaiuslawrence.com/event/online-230902/(Apply until today)

God is talking to us!
God wants every believer to know the season that we are in with Gods calendar.
Let us harvest the seeds we have sown in 5783 and now lets get ready for the new year of 5784!

All for Jesus and His Voice!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
