


 私たちはラッパ(角笛)の祭りを祝ってきました。イエス・キリストが、私たちの「救いの角」であられるからです! 私たちは大贖罪の日も祝いました。



私たちが主に捧げるにしたがって、7日間、幸せでいられることは可能でしょうか? もちろん可能です! 喜びと幸せは、私たちが選ぶものです。喜びは、主に与えることによって活性化します。

私たちは「収穫」が来ると知っているからです! この季節は、神が私たちに与えてくださる収穫を喜ぶ季節なのです。これは「100倍の祝福」の季節であるのです。



−この「窓」は、複数形です。たくさんの窓が開きます。私たちが「収めることのできないほど」の祝福の数々が臨むのです! すごいことです!(新改訳「あふれるばかりの祝福をあなたがたに注ぐかどうか」のみ。KJV, 〈NKJV〉「祝福を収め受けるための場所が足りないほど、〈あなたがたのために あふれるばかりの〉あなたがたに祝福を注ぐかどうかをためしてみよ」という前文がある)。















5.私たちは日々 私たちに来る収穫を、見分けなければなりません。















 この新しいコースは来週、Zoomを通して開催されます。登録をしましょう!  聖書を学び、新しいレベルの祝福に入ろうではありませんか!   

神に経済を捧げることは、あらゆる呪いを砕くための、神のすべての祝福を私たちに臨むようにさせ得ます! 私たちの祝福をどのように収穫するのか、学ぼうではありませんか!


使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation- How to harvest the blessings of God released by our offerings

Dear joyful saints!

   We have celebrated the Feast of Trumpets, because Jesus Christ is the Horn of our deliverance! 

We have also celebrated the Day of Atonement, because Jesus is the Great High Priest who has gone into the Most Holy Place to allow us to come into the "Trinity Room"! 

We are now moving into the Feast of Tabernacles where we are told to be joyful for 7 days as we give to the Lord! Is it possible to be happy for 7 days as we give to the Lord? Yes! Joy and happiness is what we choose. 

Joy is activated by giving to the Lord because we know that harvest will come! This is the season to rejoice in the harvest that God is giving to us. This is the season of the 100 fold blessing. 

The blessing of God is promised to those who give offerings to God.

1. Our Tithes and Offerings cause God to open up the windows of Heaven (Malachi 3:8-12)   

- Windows is plural. Many windows open. The blessings come that we will not be able to contain! Wow!   

- God will rebuke the devour, which is Satan and demons. No more curses!   - Other people will call us blessed because every curse is gone.    

2. Our seed offerings causes God to make all grace abound toward us (2 Corinthians 9:6-9)   

- We will have everything we need to do every good work. Every need is supplied.    

- The grace of God is the power of God that comes to our lives to see success. 

3. Our seed offering causes God to supply every need in our lives (Phillipians 4:15-19)   

- Our offerings causes fruit to come into our spiritual account (v.17).   

- Our offerings become an odor of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to God (v.18).   

- God then supplies every spiritual, emotional, physical, family and financial needs. 

How do we receive these blessings with our seed offering?

1. Our seed must be put in the ground of our heart. Our heart before God causes us to bear fruit.

2. Our seed and ground must be watered. 

3. Every weed must be pulled out.

4. We must make sure that we harvest our seed by using the sickle. 

5. We must discern the harvest that comes to us on a daily basis. 

6. Our thanksgiving and praise must keep the heavens open.

7. We must choose to see how God is removing every  curse in our lives and in our homes. 

   God wants us to be blessed and to see every curse broken. We must know how to give to God and we must also know how to receive from God. The Lord has led me to teach on "How to sow seeds for a financial harvest"?

In this course I will cover these topics;

-What is a seed-How to put an assignment on our seed

-How do we water our seed

-What is a good ground for our seed to grow

-7 things to do while waiting for our harvest

-How do we recognize our harvest-What to do when the harvest time comes

-What different kinds of harvest can we expect from our seed

-What can we do to mot lose our harvest

-How do we increase our harvest

This new course will start next week by zoom. Please register. Lets study the Bible and move into a new level of blessings. 

Giving of finances to God can cause every blessing of God to come to us to break every curse! Let us learn how to harvest our blessings!

All for the harvest!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
