
使徒的・預言的啓示「この収穫の月のための7つの鍵となる啓示!」 ゲヤス・ローレンス





私たちのうちに、また私たちを通して 神の臨在を現わすためには、私たちは7つの鍵となる啓示を理解しなければなりません。







−神がすでに私たちに与えてくださった賜物は何でしょう? 私たちはそれを用いているでしょうか?

3.これは神が私たちに耳を傾けておられる、意にかなった時です(2コリント6:2)。 (NASB「意にかなった時にわたしはあなたに耳を傾け」。新改訳「恵みの時にあなたに答え」)。 















−神は言っておられます。「わたしは、あなたを祝福していいでしょうか?」 神のみもとに行き、私たちを祝福して、収穫をもたらしてくださるようにと神に願い求めましょう。


来週の10月24日に、ロバート・ハイドラー師は私たちに「神が5781年のために何と語っておられるか」について教える予定をしております。呪いの数々が打ち滅ぼされていく年になることを、私たちは宣言していきます! 呪いの数々を打ち滅ぼし、そうして神の祝福を見るための特別な油注ぎがこの季節にあります!


使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation- 7 key revelations for this Month of Harvest!

Dear breakthrough saints!

I had a great time in Sendai and Tokyo over the weekend. The Lord is wanting us to be those who will become like Jesus as His Spirit lives in us and through us. 

1 Corinthians 3:16 says, "Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" What an amazing verse. We are to know and believe that our body is where the Holy Spirit dwells. Believers are the moving Ark of the Covenant!

To manifest the presence of God in and through us we must understand 7 key revelations.

1. We are to work with God (2 Cor. 6:1).
- God is not just with us but God also wants to work with us.
- God is working as He did through the body of Jesus. The Holy Spirit wants to do the same things. 

2. We must not receive the grace of God in vain (2 Cor.6:1).
- We must know that each one of us have received a grace from God. The grace is the work of God in us.
- We must start using the grace or the power of God that is in us already.
- What gifts has God given to us already? Are we using it?

3. This is the acceptable time when God is listening to us (2 Cor.6:2).
- This is the harvest season where we can claim what belongs to us! 

4. Now is the time for salvation (2 Cor.6:2).
- Lets believe that God is able to bring salvation. Jesus can save our families and friends when we release faith words.
- Lets welcome God in our families and our friends lives. 

5. We are the living Temple (2 Cor.6:16)
- We believers are being compared to an idol that is dead. We are the living temple where Jesus dwells through the Holy Spirit.
- As people go to pray to idols, people should come to us to receive prayer and help.
- Jesus preaches, heals and delivers people through us. Our hands and our mouth can be used to release the power of God. 

6. God lives and walks among us (2 Cor.6:16)
- God does not just live in us, but He walks in us. Let us allow the Lord to walk through our hearts and our minds.
- When God walks in us, we are going to walk with HIm. What would Jesus do everyday through us? 

7. God will be a Father to us (2 Cor.6:18)
- We re God's children. God wants to be our Father everyday.
- To enjoy the blessings and the fellowship of the Father, we must come to God as our Father (2 Cor.6:17).
- God is saying, "Can I bless you?" Let us come to God and ask Him to bless us and bring in the harvest.

We are in the Month of Harvest and we must receive by declaring the Word of God and our prophetic words. The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever. 

Next week on 10/24, Robert Heidler will be teaching us on what God is saying for the year 5781. We are going to declare that this will be a year where curses will be destroyed! There is a special anointing in this season to destroy curses and see the blessings of God! 

All for the Goodness of God!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
