
使徒的・預言的啓示「マナセ族の祝福を活性化する4つの鍵」 ゲヤス・ローレンス









−パウロは、自分はうしろのものを忘れ、また「栄冠」(KJV, NKJV etc.「賞」)を得るために(前に向かって)一心に走っていると言いました(ピリピ3:13〜14)。 

−私たちは この祝福を活性化しなければなりません。鍵は、「ゴール」と「栄冠」(KJV, NKJV 「賞」)に焦点を当てることです。イエスご自身と、そのみこころを行なうことの報いが、私たちが獲得する「栄冠」(KJV, NKJV「賞」)であるのです。






−私たちは天からのものが さらに来るということを、常に信じなければなりません。さらなる祝福、さらなる奇跡、そして さらなる救い!

4.「雄牛の油注ぎ」を活性化する月(申33:17。KJV, NKJV, etc.「雄牛」。新改訳「野牛」)。 








「神の国はここに来た!The Kingdom of God is here!」


使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation- 4 keys to activate the blessing of Manasseh.

Dear harvesting saints!

It was such a great time to have Robert Heidler teach us on the Year 5781. 

This is the year where we must choose to destroy every curse. The good news is that Jesus already took every curse on the cross (Gal.3:14-16). Jesus has already purchased every blessing for us, and it is called the blessing of Abraham. 

Everything Jesus has purchased for us, we must claim it by faith, just like we claimed salvation. The blessings activate as we learn to sow declarations from our mouth and keep on declaring until the blessings manifest. Our Kingdom words produce the Kingdom harvest! 

We are now in the month of Cheshvan. This is the month where we activate the blessing of the Tribe of Manasseh. the Bible says,. "Joseph named his firstborn Manasseh and said, "It is because God has made me forget all my trouble and all my father's household" (Genesis 41:51). This is a key month to believe in the blessing of forgetting the trouble in the past and move ahead with power.

Here are 4 keys to activate the blessing of this month. 

1. Month to believe that our mind will not go back to the past (Gen.41:51)

- Joseph said that it was God who made him forget. This is the miracle of God that touches our mind. 

- Paul said that he forgets what is behind and he presses forward to win the prize (Phil.3:13-14). 

- We must activate this blessing. The key is to focus on the goal and the prize. Jesus Himself and the reward of doing His will is our prize. 

2. Month to declare that the blessing of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will manifest (Gen.48:16)

- The blessing of God comes to us so that we can bless others (Gen.12:1-3). The Lord wants to bless us. 

- The blessing of God does not stop with one generation. Lets declare that the blessing of God will come upon our family line. 

3. Month to declare that we will increase greatly on this earth (Gen.48:16). 

- The Lord wants us to increase in blessings. Jospeh went through a hard time, but he experienced increase of blessings. 

- We must always believe that there is more from Heaven. More blessings, more miracles and more salvations! 

4. Month to activate the Ox anointing (Dt.33:17) 

 - An Ox is a strong animal designed to labor, plow, pull, and trample with power to bring results. 

- "Where no oxen are, the crib is clean, but much increase is by the strength of the ox" (Proved.14:4). Increase is connected to the Ox anointing. 

- The Ox anointing is the apostolic anointing that plows and pioneers. We must break new grounds by our Kingdom declarations. 

- Lets prepare the ground of 5781 by declaring the Word of God. This is the month to focus on the future harvest!

We are in this season where we can see the antichrist kingdom trying to rule the earth, but we must know that believers can overcome the spirit of the antichrist. We must connect with the Kingdom of Heaven and live from Heaven. Heaven wants to manifest on the earth, and we will see Jesus and His church shine in this season. It is time to see victory like we have never seen before! 

Lets rise up and declare, "The Kingdom of God is here!"

All for the Kingdom of Jesus!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
