
Group work

Hi I'm KC! Thank you for reading!
Today, I'll writing about a group work.

I did a group work in a company event today. When I do a group work, I always find another thought from another members, so I feel kind of expanding our horizon and I like it.

I can reach the conclusion that I can't reach by myself by a group work. I think this is the best part of a group work. I could find the conclusion which I couldn't definitely find by myself today too.

When I do a group work, I try to agree all of other ideas. If your idea is denied by someone, you will hesitate to propose an another idea. So, I try to agree every ideas to receive more proposals.

Ultimately there is a limit to do alone, you know. I think it's important how I receive the other person's ideas or assistance.

Good night!

Thank you so much🙌 溜まったお金で、また何か買ってレビューさせて頂きます😁