
Diary / Diario

英語とスペイン語の学習のために毎日綴っている日記です。 This is a diary I keep every day to learn English and Spanis…


June 29th 2024 / Veintinueve de junio de dos mil veinticuatro

It was the first time in about three years that I took a walk in Kamakura with Yoshinori, and we spent a very rich and intense time talking deeply about life, education, management, and liberal arts,


June 28th 2024 / Veintiocho de junio de dos mil veinticuatro

Today I was able to buy a new tennis racket for Ichito. I am glad that I was able to get it to him in time for his tournament this weekend.

Hoy he podido comprar una raqueta de tenis nueva para Ichit


June 27th 2024 / Veintisiete de junio de dos mil veinticuatro

The weather seems to be breaking up throughout this weekend, but I hope it will clear up on Sunday when the Ichito's tennis tournament is scheduled.

Parece que el tiempo se está estropeando a lo larg


June 26th 2024 / Veinticinco de junio de dos mil veinticuatro

I was able to get some perspective today on a few important things I wanted to get done toward the end of the month, and I hope to use the rest of this week to clear up a few important things about th


June 25th 2024 / Veinticinco de junio de dos mil veinticuatro

Ichito was a little sick and had a fever for the past few days, but I am glad to see that he seems to have recovered well.

Ichito estuvo un poco enfermo y tuvo fiebre los últimos días, pero me alegra


June 24th 2024 / Veinticuatro de junio de dos mil veinticuatro

I spent three hours intensively helping Ichito study for his science test and was able to talk about various chemical reactions and why they occur, while connecting them to various related knowledge.


June 23rd 2024 / Veintitrés de junio de dos mil veinticuatro

It seems that VCARB, to which Tsunoda belongs, had its toughest weekend of the season at the Spanish Grand Prix as they were unable to bring in a setup that worked well with the significant updates. H


June 22nd 2024 / Veintidós de junio de dos mil veinticuatro

The series of videos explaining the large scale language model is very interesting, which is in the Youtube channel "3 Blue 1 Brown Japan."

Es muy interesante la serie de vídeos que explican el model


June 21st 2024 / Veintiuno de junio de dos mil veinticuatro

This weekend at the Spanish Grand Prix, I am very much looking forward to seeing the effects of the major updates that have been made to the VCARB machine that Tsunoda rides.

Este fin de semana, en e


June 20th 2024 / Veinte de junio de dos mil veinticuatro

I was very relieved to have the confidence through several meetings today that we will be able to complete about 3/4 of the entire process by the end of this month for the project that we have been wo


June 19th 2024 / Diecinueve de junio de dos mil veinticuatro

Today I had a wonderful time with one of my best friends Junko, who lives in the U.S., and I was able to talk to her in a relaxed way via Zoom after about 2 and a half years. I have known Junko for a


June 18th 2024 / Dieciocho de junio de dos mil veinticuatro

I am seeing signs that Ohtani is going to be in better shape and I am looking forward to it. It looks like he is spending the early part of the season this year while also taking care of his batting a


June 17th 2024 / Diecisiete de junio de dos mil veinticuatro

By watching Koki and Chika's Youtube channel together, where they continue to deepen their exploration of life's richness while traveling around the world, I was once again grateful to continue being


June 16th 2024 / Dieciséis de junio de dos mil veinticuatro

Today, Ichito spent the whole day at an out-of-town school for tennis practice, and he told me that he was able to talk to his teacher about the conflicts he was facing based on what he had been able
