
Diary / Diario

英語とスペイン語の学習のために毎日綴っている日記です。 This is a diary I keep every day to learn English and Spanis…


May 30th 2024 / Treinta de mayo de dos mil veinticuatro

Kazuhiro recommended me to start watching Mr.Goro Yamada's Western Art Youtbub channel, and I found it so interesting that I have watched almost all the episodes over the past three and a half years.


May 29th 2024 / Veintinueve de mayo de dos mil veinticuatro

I feel that the sense that I am ripe to move on to the next stage is growing stronger.

Siento que la sensación de que estoy maduro para pasar a la siguiente etapa es cada vez más fuerte.

May 28th 2024 / Veintiocho de mayo de dos mil veinticuatro

I was able to get in touch with one of my seniors, that I was close with in high school, for the first time since I quit high school. I was very happy that he remembered me even though it had been alm


May 27th 2024 / Veintisiete de mayo de dos mil veinticuatro

Although today was a little busy all day, it was good to get a good balance of different kinds of things completed.

Aunque hoy ha sido un día un poco ajetreado, ha estado bien completar un buen equil


May 26th 2024 / Veintiséis de mayo de dos mil veinticuatro

In the traditional Monaco GP, I was impressed by Leclerc's long-awaited first local win, and Tsunoda's driving was really exciting and made me look forward to the future even more.

En el tradicional


May 25th 2024 / Veinticinco de mayo de dos mil veinticuatro

I read the sequel to "The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climed Out the Window and Disappeared," which was recommended to me by Mr. Sekine nine years ago.

It all started when Ichito recently told me that he wa


May 24th 2024 / Veinticuatro de mayo de dos mil veinticuatro

I am glad to see that there are a few things that have come up recently that make me feel that my daily natural exposure to the Spanish language is about to expand a bit.

Me alegra ver que últimament


May 23rd 2024 / Veintitrés de mayo de dos mil veinticuatro

Recently, I have been feeling very comfortable with the rhythm of my daily life and feel that this may be a turning point that will lead to the future in a positive way.

Últimamente me siento muy a g


May 22nd 2024 / Veintidós de mayo de dos mil veinticuatro

I am relieved to see that I am on track to complete the April trial balance to some extent, and that the schedule for the end of this month is now generally in sight.

Me alivia ver que voy por buen c


May 21st 2024 / Veintiuno de mayo de dos mil veinticuatro

I am very much looking forward to talking with one of my best friends, Junko, who has been living in the U.S. for over 25 years, because we made an appointment to talk on Zoom for the first time in ab


May 20th 2024 / Veinte de mayo de dos mil veinticuatro

I received a message from a Canadian friend for the first time in a while, and it was fun to talk about music and some other topics.

Recibí un mensaje de un amiga canadiense por primera vez en mucho


May 19th 2024 / Diecinueve de mayo de dos mil veinticuatro

It was great to see Tsunoda's excellent performance in the final of the Emilia Romagna GP, I am also looking forward to the Monaco GP next week.

Fue estupendo ver la excelente actuación de Tsunoda


May 18th 2024 / Dieciocho de mayo de dos mil veinticuatro

I am glad that I was able to finish my personal accounting for April today, and I am almost done with what I wanted to get done in the middle of this month.

Me alegro de haber podido terminar hoy mi


May 17th 2024 / Diecisiete de mayo de dos mil veinticuatro

The European round of F1 started this weekend. The Emilia Romagna GP at the Imola Circuit in Italy will be the first race of this series, and from the looks of Free Practice 1, we can expect great per
