
Diary / Diario

英語とスペイン語の学習のために毎日綴っている日記です。 This is a diary I keep every day to learn English and Spanis…


January 30th 2024 / Treinta de enero de dos mil veinticuatro

Today's workshop on the theme of "Questions" was very meaningful in that it gave me an opportunity to get a clearer image of what I intend to work on this year.

El taller de hoy sobre el tema "Pregun


January 29th 2024 / Veintinueve de enero de dos mil veinticuatro

I am relieved that my tax return has been completed. I will make the next year even more fruitful and wonderful.

Me siento aliviado de haber terminado mi declaración de la renta. Haré que el próximo


January 28th 2024 / Veintiocho de enero de dos mil veinticuatro

The school grade has been closed at Ichito's junior high school due to the ful and other reasons, but I am very encouraged that he has been able to manage his time well and work on his studies, play,


January 27th 2024 / Veintisiete de enero de dos mil veinticuatro

Ichito and I participated in the first round of the "Enoshima Treasure" series of annual mystery-solving events held in the Fujisawa and Enoshima areas, respectively.

This year's Fujisawa stage was h


January 26th 2024 / Veintiséis de enero de dos mil veinticuatro

After today's meeting with Yoichiro, I was very excited to feel that I have taken a step forward in a very good way to a new stage for the future.

Tras la reunión de hoy con Yoichiro, me ha emocionad


January 25th 2024 / Veinticinco de enero de dos mil veinticuatro

It was a very enriching walk in Kamakura with Sae, that I saw for the first time in three years, discussing the exploration of the richness of people and communities.

Fue un paseo muy enriquecedor po


January 24th 2024 / Veinticuatro de enero de dos mil veinticuatro

In a recent consecutive walk around Kamakura with some friends, I was pleasantly impressed by the signs of spring, such as plum blossoms beginning to bloom.

En un reciente paseo consecutivo por Kamak


January 23rd 2024 / Veintitrés de enero de dos mil veinticuatro

I am grateful that by watching over Ichito's studies every day, I am also learning a lot for myself.

Estoy agradecida porque, al velar cada día por los estudios de Ichito, también aprendo mucho por m


January 22nd 2024 / Veintidós de enero de dos mil veinticuatro

It is exciting to see the number of events that make me realize that I am approaching a new stage in my life is steadily increasing.

Es emocionante ver cómo aumenta el número de acontecimientos que m


January 21st 2024 / Veintiuno de enero de dos mil veinticuatro

I had a very meaningful and exciting discussion with Shota, with whom we have been discussing ways to realize our mutual visions for the past few months, on the theme of "building a sustainable commun


January 20th 2024 / Veinte de enero de dos mil veinticuatro

It was a very nice walk with Tomoko in Kamakura, talking about connecting people and culture between Italy and Japan in a wonderful way.

Fue un paso muy agradable con Tomoko por Kamakura, hablando de


January 19th 2024 / Diecinueve de enero de dos mil veinticuatro

Since the beginning of this year, the voices of many people around me have been making me realize even more strongly that my mission is to "listen carefully to the stories woven by human activities, a


January 18th 2024 / Dieciocho de enero de dos mil veinticuatro

Now that my tax return is almost ready, I am relieved that I will be able to complete it as soon as I can confirm that my accounting software, Freee, has been notified that its maintenance for this ye


January 17th 2024 / Diecisiete de enero de dos mil veinticuatro

Today, in my dialogue with Ichito, I learned some valuable lessons regarding how to convey the essential way of facing with oneself.

Hoy, en mi diálogo con Ichito, he aprendido algunas lecciones vali
