
Diary / Diario

英語とスペイン語の学習のために毎日綴っている日記です。 This is a diary I keep every day to learn English and Spanis…


December 30th 2023 / Treinta de Diciembre de dos mil veintitrés

I'm happy that it looks that this Year-End and New Year's period being the most peaceful, yet fruitful, of the past few years.

Me alegra que parezca que este periodo de Fin de año y Año Nuevo está si


December 29th 2023 / Veintinueve de Diciembre de dos mil veintitrés

I am a little relieved that the work I had hoped to finish by the end of the year is generally completed today.

Me siento un poco aliviado de que el trabajo que esperaba terminar a finales de año est


December 28th 2023 / Veintiocho de Diciembre de dos mil veintitrés

Miro, a mind mapping tool that also works smoothly with Notion, looks very useful. I am looking forward to using it successfully to organize my steps toward the future in a good way during the year-en


December 27th 2023 / Veintisiete de Diciembre de dos mil veintitrés

Today I was a bit nervous because I left my wallet at the cafe where I worked or had a meeting at work. Fortunately, I noticed it as soon as I got home and called the store, where another customer had


December 26th 2023 / Veintiséis de Diciembre de dos mil veintitrés

I watched a special compilation program of the 2023 F1 season on Dazn with Ichito, and we had a lot of fun reminiscing and getting excited about many things.

Vi un programa especial recopilación de l


December 25th 2023 / Veinticinco de Diciembre de dos mil veintitrés

I was able to have a chance to talk with Ichito about my own life-sized struggles as a human being on the parent's side and how I hope to apply what I have learned in my interactions with him to my li


December 24th 2023 / Veinticuatro de Diciembre de dos mil veintitrés

Today was the last tennis tournament of the year for Ichito's club activities. I heard that they were able to place 3rd in the team competition, and I think it was a good step forward for next year.


December 23rd 2023 / Veintitrés de Diciembre de dos mil veintitrés

Tonight, Ichito prepared to manage the progress of his winter vacation assignment using Notion, while eating a famous Hokkaido confection, Sampouroku, sent to us by his grandmother.

Esta noche, Ichit


December 22nd 2023 / Veintidós de Diciembre de dos mil veintitrés

As the second semester of Ichito's junior high school has come to a close. And then tonight it was good to be able to reflect on his learning and discuss a path forward on how best for him to connect


December 21st 2023 / Veintiuno de Diciembre de dos mil veintitrés

The weekly Zoom English conversation with Yuko was made even more fulfilling today as Keita joined us for the first time in a while.

La conversación semanal en inglés de Zoom con Yuko ha sido aún más


December 20th 2023 / Veinte de Diciembre de dos mil veintitrés

I had a very stimulating time talking on Zoom with Norimasa, who has been a friend of mine since junior high school and with whom I have had many conversations about management and each other's lives


December 19th 2023 / Diecinueve de Diciembre de dos mil veintitrés

I gave Ichito a new model of smartphone as a Christmas present.

The first time I gave him a smartphone was when he was in the second grade of elementary school, and for the five years since then, he


December 18th 2023 / Dieciocho de Diciembre de dos mil veintitrés

The balance of my mind seems to be very good these days, and I would like to take this into the future in a good way.

El equilibrio de mi mente parece ser muy bueno en estos días, y me gustaría lleva


December 17th 2023 / Diecisiete de Diciembre de dos mil veintitrés

Today was the team competition in the Kamakura city tournament for Ichito's tennis club activity.

His team was able to get through the preliminary league in first place, but unfortunately was elimina
