
Diary / Diario

英語とスペイン語の学習のために毎日綴っている日記です。 This is a diary I keep every day to learn English and Spanis…


27th February 2023 / Veintisiete de febrero de dos mil veintitrés

Recently, there have been increasing signs that what I've been accumulating over the years is about to bear fruit in a positive way, so I am increasingly excited about what lies ahead.

Últimamente, c


26th February 2023 / Veintiséis de febrero de dos mil veintitrés

I am feeling again in my communication with Ichito that a difference in viewpoints of looking at things can lead to fights, and I will use this information to help me change myself for the better.



25th February 2023 / Veinticinco de febrero de dos mil veintitrés

I had a very stimulating Zoom conversation about education and the nature of happiness with Rika, who lives in Indonesia, and Airi, who lives in Osaka and plans to go study in Indonesia this summer.


24th February 2023 / Veinticuatro de febrero de dos mil veintitrés

During the three-day F1 testing in Bahrain, Japanese driver Tsunoda, who is entering his third season in the sport, seems to have a good feel for the new car, and we look forward to seeing what he can


23rd February 2023 / Veintitrés de febrero de dos mil veintitrés

Formula 1 testing has begun in Abu Dhabi for the 2023 season. This year, all three days of sessions will be streamed on DAZN, and after watching the first day with Ichito, we are even more excited for


22nd February 2023 / Veintidós de febrero de dos mil veintitrés

I had a very stimulating Zoom conversation with Mitsuru from Gifu and Keita from Aichi. It was a very exciting conversation about what the two of them could do together to expand exchanges with people


21st February 2023 / Veintiuno de febrero de dos mil veintitrés

With regard to mathematics, physics and chemistry, which I have been studying little by little for the past three years, I am happy to feel that my understanding has definitely deepened as a result of


20th February 2023 / Veinte de febrero de dos mil veintitrés

Today was a very fulfilling day of stimulating dialogue with people who are deeply aware of the value and charm of the Kamakura region and have a desire to preserve it in a better form for the future.


19th February 2023 / Diecinueve de febrero de dos mil veintitrés

Today I was able to take some time to have dialogue with Ichito about the essence of learning. I'm feeling again that he is really growing up strong and I can find so many things I can learn from him.


18th February 2023 / Dieciocho de febrero de dos mil veintitrés

On the way back from our very stimulating conversation while walking around Kamakura, Kaoru, my benefactor, bought some fish at the market and let me bring it home, and I had it for dinner with Ichito


17th February 2023 / Diecisiete de febrero de dos mil veintitrés

Recently, I have a sense that it has been increasing the speed and accuracy with which I read English texts and the degree to which I can read them smoothly and with intonation based on meaning. I fee


16th February 2023 / Dieciséis de febrero de dos mil veintitrés

I often watch a Youtube channel that focuses on topics related to linguistics, loosely presented in a not-too-specialized tone, and I found a series related to how babies learn their native language v


15th February 2023 / Quince de febrero de dos mil veintitrés

It was a very stimulating time for me to talk on Zoom with Rika, who moved to Indonesia a year ago, and Yuki, who moved to Vietnam three months ago, for the first time in a while.

Fue muy estimulante


14th February 2023 / Catorce de febrero de dos mil veintitrés

The F1 cars of the various teams for the 2023 season are being unveiled one after another, and Ichito and I are looking forward to the start of the season next month.

Los coches de F1 de los distinto
