
Diary / Diario

英語とスペイン語の学習のために毎日綴っている日記です。 This is a diary I keep every day to learn English and Spanis…


29th November 2022 / Veintinueve de noviembre de dos mil veintidós

Today I had a meeting with Ichito's homeroom teacher at his school. We were able to exchange a lot of meaningful information about how Ichito is doing at school and at home, respectively.

Hoy he teni


28th November 2022 / Veintiocho de noviembre de dos mil veintidós

A wonderful person who taught me so much while working with me about 10 years ago came to see me to Kamakura and we had a very intense and meaningful time.

Una persona maravillosa que me enseño mucho


27th November 2022 / Veintisiete de noviembre de dos mil veintidós

When we talked about Ichito's science studies at school, I told him about chemistry in a little depth, and he seemed to find it interesting. It is a pleasure to see that it comes to life that I have b


26th November 2022 / Veintiséis de noviembre de dos mil veintidós

I found a very interesting video on my favorite Youtube channel, which distributes various information about the universe. This video explains the theory that the universe is flat and torus-shaped. Fu


25th November 2022 / Veinticinco de noviembre de dos mil veintidós

The other day, I received a very nice letter and gift, and I had sent a letter written in calligraphy pen to express my gratitude. Today, I was very happy to hear from the woman who received it, that


24th November 2022 / Veinticuatro de noviembre de dos mil veintidós

I saw Tom and Jerry, which combines live action and animation, on Amazon Prime and watched it with Ichito, and it was quite good.

Vi Tom y Jerry, que combina acción real y annimación, en Amazon Prime


23rd November 2022 / Veintitrés de noviembre de dos mil veintidós

The World Cup soccer match between Japan and Germany was very exciting. It had been so long since the last time I watched a soccer game, I don't know how many years it has been.

El partido de fútbol


22nd November 2022 / Veintidós de noviembre de dos mil veintidós

There is a very interesting documentary on Dazn about Bernie Ecclestone, the man who developed F1 into a major industry. It will give me a little deeper insight into something I have only known in bit


21st November 2022 / Veintiuno de noviembre de dos mil veintidós

I have just finished re-reading the fourth volume of the15-volume "RES GESTAE POPULI ROMANI." In this volume, it is described that the events leading up to Caesar's crossing of the Rubicon. It was gre


20th November 2022 / Veinte de noviembre de dos mil veintidós

I received a very nice letter from Keiko, whom I gave a small advice for growing community on Zoom recently. I hope to see her again when I visit Sapporo in the near future.

He recibido una carta muy


19th November 2022 / Diecinueve de noviembre de dos mil veintidós

I was worried when I noticed that our cat Sakura, she is called Chuck, had a slight foot injury, but I was relieved to see that she seems to be better. She will be 17 years old next spring, so she is


18th November 2022 / Dieciocho de noviembre de dos mil veintidós

Regarding Vettel, who has announced his retirement from F1 at the end of this season, I didn't like him when I was watching F1 10 years ago, but I have grown to like him a lot since I started watching


17th November 2022 / Diecisiete de noviembre de dos mil veintidós

This weekend is the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, the last race of this season's F1 championship. I am very much looking forward to seeing how the year will end.

Este fin de semana es el Gran Premio de Abu D


16th November 2022 / Dieciséis de noviembre de dos mil veintidós

Ichito had a bit of a cold and missed a day of school, but I am glad to see that he recovered quickly. It was also great that we were able to spend time together at home.

Ichito estaba un poco resfri
