
「NHK基礎英語3」一年間チャレンジ87日目 81日目英作文添削結果




Rainy season

✖Do you like rainy season?
〇Do you like the rainy season?

✖To be honest, I didn’t like rainy season.
〇To be honest, I didn’t used to like the rainy season.

✖Because the humidity and wetness are the worst for my frizzy hair.
〇The humidity and dampness are the worst for my frizzy hair.

✖I just focused on the negative side of the rainy season before.
〇I used to just focus on the negative side of the rainy season before.

〇Recently I’ve decided to look for the positive side of it to enjoy my life.

〇I’ve changed my perspective.

✖Here are some ideas how to spend a great time during the rainy season.
〇Here are some ideas about how to have a great time during the rainy season.

✖1.Jumping over puddles as like kids
〇1. Jumping over puddles like kids

✖It’s really fun for not only kids but also adult.
〇It’s really fun, not only for kids but for adults, too.

✖It brings you joy and teaches you proper outlets for your energy and stress.
〇It can bring a spark of joy into your day and also give you a good outlet for your energy and stress.

○2. Admire the Hydrangeas

〇The blooming of hydrangeas accompanies the rainy season in Japan.

〇There are numerous places throughout the country where you can admire its gorgeous blooms.

〇Raindrops make the vibrant purple and pink petals and green leaves look even brighter, so be sure to capture photos of hydrangeas on a rainy day!

〇3. Shop for Colorful Umbrellas and Rainwear

✖︎It is also entertaining to look for rain gear goods during this season.
○It can also be entertaining to look for rain gear and other goods during this season.

○You can find a whole array of umbrellas, coats, and boots, from elegant to simply adorable designs.

○Shopping for something special when it rains is sure to brighten your mood.

✖︎If you try these ideas, you might enjoy more your life!
○If you try these ideas, you might be able to enjoy your life more!





”It can bring a spark of joy into your day~”の”a spark of joy"


片付けコンサルタント近藤麻理恵さんの『人生がときめく片づけの魔法』の英語翻訳本の中にも”spark joy"が出てきました。


そんな素敵な表現"a spark of joy”をNicole先生から学びました。 


