
「NHK基礎英語3」一年間チャレンジ日207日目 英作文(185日目)添削結果




”Focus your attention on the present moment”

〇Most of us go through our daily lives being very distracted by thoughts of the past and the future.

〇Such thoughts tend to overwhelm us with worries, concerns and regrets.

〇This means that we struggle to focus our attention on the present moment.

〇This lack of awareness creates both physical and psychological suffering.

〇Our bodies become unhealthy and our minds become unhappy.

But it is possible to overcome it so that you can begin to experience happiness and peace.
However, it is possible to overcome this _____ and begin experiencing happiness and peace.
For example: However, it is possible to overcome this lack of awareness problem...

〇The way to do this is to stop living mindlessly.

〇Learn to focus your attention on the present moment. This is called mindfulness.

〇If, for example, you practice mindfulness while you eat by focusing only on your food instead of other things, your meals will become a spiritual experience because you will start to deeply appreciate their taste and healthfulness.

Alternative: appreciate their taste and the nourishment they provide

〇This power of mindfulness allows you to overcome the unhealthy habits that cause your suffering.

〇It brings your attention back to the richness and joy of life in the present moment.

✖Just pay attention what in front of you.
〇Just pay attention to what’s in front of you.

〇Just notice what you already have.

〇Why not focus on your present moment?








紫キャベツラぺとカマンベールチーズ、りんご、コリアンダー、バナナヨーグルト(ギリシャヨーグルト無糖)紅茶( マリアージュフレール Wedding Imperial)

Breakfast: red cabbage rape with camembert cheese, apple, cilantro, banana yogurt (unsweetened Greek yogurt) and tea (Mariage Frères Wedding Imperial).



Today I had breakfast with a combination of rape, cheese and apples. The cheese and apples went well together!

