
勝手に日本酒を応援する会(仮)   誕生秘話

Katteni Cheer up Nihonnshu!
How did it come about??


This is a party that we, two girls, started to cheer up Nihonnshu ("Nihon" means Japan or Japanese, "shu" means "sake": Japanese rice wine, kind of...) breweries in Japan.

日本酒プロデューサー上杉孝久さんから、全国の酒蔵さんが本当に困っている事、消費が滞っているために冷蔵庫が開かない、冷蔵庫が開かないという事はタンクから出せない、タンクから出せないという事は仕込みが出来ない、仕込みが出来ないという事 は、全国の酒米農家さん達が困っている!というお話をお聞きしたからです。

We heard the story from Takahisa Uesugi, a Japanese sake producer, that lots of Japanese sake breweries are in trouble of not being able to sell sake. As there are still many bottles staying in their fridge, they cannot get the new sake from the tank, and as the tank is still full, they cannot start making new sake for the season coming. 

今、私たちが出来る事は何ですか?と お聞きした所、





We asked him what we can do for them, and his answer was:

"Buy nihonnshu, even a bottle!"

We thought what we can do.

Then an idea hit us. Let's cheer them "katteni", which means "in our own way (without permissions or profit)".


We are not sure what we can do, as we are just the nihonnshu BIGINNERS! But we will do our best for nishonnshu to  become your Honey or Sugar, so please check our events for sake drinkers!

勝手に日本酒を応援する会(仮)                   日本酒初心者代表 きったかるりこ 矢口輝美

Katteni Cheer up Nihonnshu!
Reps. Terumi Yaguchi & Ruriko Kittaka