
Henri Herbert, get drunk on his passionate boogie and blues!


Hello there! How's it going? I'm Katsu.


And now, I'd like to introduce you to Henri Herbert's video! He is a former member of The Jim Jones Revue and his street boogie piano performance video has over 44 million views. And he has a live album coming out this year. He is one of the most popular pianists today.

とゆうわけで、今回はアンリハーバートさんの動画紹介になります!彼は元The Jim Jones Revueのメンバーで、ストリートでのブギーピアノパフォーマンス動画は4400万回を超える再生回数。そして今年ライヴアルバムが発売予定と今最も人気のあるピアニストの一人です。

Please enjoy these popular videos together with the 3 street videos and the original music video! Let's get going!


When a professional musician sits down at a public piano

henri's boogie

Henri's Boogie part 2

Henri's Boogie part 3

Henri Herbert - Groove No. 2.

What did you think?
His coolness, the goodness of boogie pianos in the streets, I'm sure you've felt it. I only introduced the piano solo this time, but he also posted a piano and vocal song and a boogie piano lesson video, you can check it out if you like :D

彼のかっこよさ、ストリートでのブギーピアノのよさ、感じてもらえたのではないでしょうか。今回ピアノソロのみの紹介でしたが、この他に、ピアノアンドヴォーカル曲、ブギーピアノレッスン動画も投稿されていますので、そちらもよかったらチェックしてみてくださいね :D

So thank you for following me to the end. I hope you'll stop by again and enjoy it. Well then, see you next time! Bye-bye!




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