
NHKラジオビジネス英語2024 Interview 1-2


You mentioned that you faced challenges in adapting to Japanese food when you first arrived. Could you share some of your experience and how you overcame this challenges?

Yes, you know, there were many challenges when we came down. The language, of course, was the biggest issue for us, you know, and customs we get used to. But food was, you know, one of the major thing to get adapted to.
As you know, Indians are used to very spicy food and when I was told, you know, they served, you know, just raw fish, you know, there is no pickled, you know, there is no spice, nothing, just dip it in soy sauce and eat it, you know. That was very shocking thing to start with.
And I went to Osaka University I told the professor, you know, the challenge was the raw food, you know. Then he told me one thing, you know, "Do you like Japan?" I said "Yes, that's the reason I came down." "I advise you one thing that you eat the raw food without any spice anything and feel the taste of the food. So we tried to adopted and we started liking, you know. More and more we start eating Japanese food, we started realizing this is so good. And I always say that became, you know, very important thing for me later to develop food products is Japan, you know.
One word, you know, with the professor told me was texture, you know. And in texture, there are 445 words, you know, in Japanese. If you translate in English, is there only 77. You can imagine why the Japanese food is so good.

I'm not sure whether I know the 440 something words in Japanese.

adapt 適応する、順応する
 To adjust to a new or unfamiliar situation. To acclimate or modify ways to suit a situation. An example would be "he's from a very cold region, so when he came to Japan, he had to adapt to the hot summers." "He adapted by learning techniques from his neighbours."
dip O in ~ Oを~に浸ける
 To dip something in something else means to lightly place an item into something else, and then quickly remove it. Dr. Juneja used the example of dipping raw fish in soy sauce. Another example would be "to dip strawberries in chocolate," or "dipping your toes into the water to see if the temperature is right." For this reason, some sauces used as a snack with potato chips, crackers or vegetables are just known as dips such as an avocado dip, cheese dip and sour cream and onion dip.
texture 触感、手触り
 Texture is how something feels or how something appears to feel. For example, "Look at this painting! The texture of the woman's dress and the food on the table are so realistic." With food, we can feel texture with our mouths or hands such as "the texture of the noodle is too soft."
