

#美味しい  #べっらゔぃすた  #赤坂 #にゅーおーたに  #カツレツ

#ショートストーリー  #発想  #考え #毎日  


#Delicious #BellaVisa #Akasaka #Nyu-Otani

#shortstory #ideas #thoughts #everyday

Working as a company employee, you may have to go through all sorts of hard times. But when you think of yourself as one of the new writers, each such thing is sublimated as a story. I am a writer, a member of society, and a husband. Such a way of life is good, isn't it? Of course, when I am working, I contribute to the company. But when I decided to keep writing, I felt the hard work, but also a comfortable tension
