


全体の流れに関しては オランダの鍼灸師会的なのに入れるか①

必要書類を提出して全てが受理されたら、今度は Ballot というものを受けなくてはなりません。以下、オランダの鍼灸師会的なのに入れるか① から抜粋。

With a foreign (non-Dutch) diploma the route to become a member of Zhong goes by way of a ballot. During the ballot you present 5 cases from your own practice showing your knowledge and skills in the TCM discipline you want to be registered for. 2 experienced members of Zhong will be present to discuss the cases with you.

The procedure to become a member is in chronological order as followed:

We receive your application form. With the application form you send us copies of your diplomas (TCM and WMB). You receive our invoice for the registration fee, € 40,-
After having received your payment of the registration fee your file – when complete – will be sent to the admission committee for assessment.
After approval of the admission committee you will receive an invitation for the ballot. A ballot costs € 100, to be paid in advance. You will receive an invoice by then.
After a successful ballot you will receive the invoice for the membership fee, insurance, shield, etc.
After having received your payment, you will be registered as a member of Zhong and receive your license, shield, etc.


