
Even if you get lost, it's not a detour.

Life is a maze.
It's natural to get lost.

The destination of a maze is the exit, but the purpose of life is not to find the exit from this world.

I walk down the same path over and over again without realizing it, I turn around and go back, and I find myself worrying at crossroads. But that doesn't mean it's a detour.

It's nice to live a short, rational life where you quickly find the exit from a maze, but isn't it also wonderful to live a life where you keep getting lost in the process?

If your mind and body are tired, just enjoy the scenery that can be seen from the lost path. Getting lost like that is the purpose of living in a maze.




気づかないうちに何度も同じ道を歩いたり、振り返ったり戻ったり、岐路で悩んだり。 しかし、迷い道は回り道ではありません。


心と体が疲れたら、迷った道から見える景色を楽しんでください。 そうやって迷うことが迷路の中で生きる目的なんですから。
