
~ITC2022挑戦の記録~The Competition that Opened My Eyes

FedEx Express/ Junior Achievement International Trade Challenge 2022国際大会出場者による『ITC2022挑戦の記録』シリーズの3回目は、高校2年生のMさんによる投稿です。大会前にものすごく緊張していたというMさんは、この大会からどんなことを得たのでしょうか。

International Trade Challengeについては下記サイトをご参照ください。

Frankly, when it was first announced that my partner and I were going to take part in the Asia Pacific Finals, I was surprised and excited but more evidently, leading up to the event, I felt more and more anxious to team with a person I did not know and create a concrete business plan in the short span of 2 days. That may have been the source of the overwhelming nervousness I felt in starting it, but even so, I felt encouraged to face the competition as an opportunity to learn more about business and do my best to see what I can do.

In school, I was not able to learn the basics of how to create a business plan, everything from how to create a financial plan and how to plot a timeline for a given product. Due to this, I felt even more insecure about how much I might drag down my partner, but through the competition, I learned that in working with someone, an important aspect is to work with consideration to the weaknesses and strengths that both my partner and I had. In a portion where one of us felt unsure, the other would play the supporting role and vice versa. With this considered, it made it much easier to build the plan, while also allowing for me to learn about the areas I feel I am lacking in, observing how my partner took on the topic.

For the most part, ITC taught me about teamwork and business, but I felt it also taught me about efficiency. In the Asia Pacific Finals, time was of the essence, and it was essential that we did most of the work as precisely as possible, taking into account the details of the business plan while making sure that the plan was stable and persuasive to the judges. 

There are not many instances where we are forced to efficiently work, so it was a great chance to see how I could work under pressure to produce the best work I can possibly make.

What I was able to gain from the ITC consisted of the points I raised previously, and through this, I feel more confident in facing my future and heartfully believe that I will be able to utilize the skills I learned here, to further broaden my horizens for other topics.

記載:高校2年 M.K
