
#7 本気で習慣化するために、カレンダーアプリを使い込むんじゃ【一笑門 マガジン】


このマガジンでは、毎朝配信しているPodcastプログラム「伊志嶺海【一笑門 RADIO】」の内容を日本語と英語の記事にて発信しております。



「日本の夜明けを創る。」を合言葉に、相棒とともに夜明創造プロジェクト旦 -TAN-を運営しております。

















English version★

Good morning. I'm Kai Ishimine.

With the slogan "Creating the dawn of Japan", I run the Dawn Creation Project -TAN- with my buddy.

Today I want to talk about calendars.

How do you manage your daily schedule? I use Google Calendar.

Recently, I'm talking about habituation and continuation a lot, today I also wanna talk about habituation.

It is no exaggeration to say that habits form who we are, and habits are something we should be aware of. Good habits, of course, enrich your days, but conversely, if bad habits persist, your performance will decline.

In order to create good habits, I think there are many people who try new things, such as jogging or having English conversations (Sorry for overusing these examples).

I would definitely recommend using a calendar app. If you think, "Oh, I'm already using it," are you using it perfectly? In order to seriously make it a habit, it is important to put even the smallest actions on the calendar.

This is my morning routine, I have a detailed schedule of things to do.

Even if it's the same every morning, it's important to have a solid schedule.

Once you have visualized your schedule, make effective use of the notification function. This is the goodness of the app, there is a function that notifies you of your schedule.

I set notifications for 1 minute, 5 minutes, and 10 minutes before depending on the content so that I can act on time. The reason why we go this far is that once people start working on something, they actually tend to keep going. (It's the law of inertia!)

The ringing of notifications often reminds me that it's almost time! If you forget the time, your routine will be off.

This schedule also needs to be fine-tuned daily as it runs. I've tried to make a schedule, but when I actually try to move, there are times when I can't always make it on time.

Once you've found a routine that works fine and repeatable, all you have to do is stick with it.

Making a detailed schedule can feel a little daunting, but it's actually pretty fun when you actually do it. After all, it's like assembling your own life, so it's exciting, isn't it?

By using the calendar app in this way, you can ensure that you have time to do what you want to do. If you have something you want to make a habit of, by all means, schedule carefully!
