
#4 友達のことを想像すると、最初の1歩が踏み出せる【一笑門 マガジン】


このマガジンでは、毎朝配信しているPodcastプログラム「伊志嶺海【一笑門 RADIO】」の内容を日本語と英語の記事にて発信しております。



「日本の夜明けを創る。」を合言葉に、相棒とともに夜明創造プロジェクト旦 -TAN-を運営しております。












English version★

Good morning. I'm Kai Ishimine.

With the slogan "Creating the dawn of Japan", I run the Dawn Creation Project -TAN- with my buddy.

Today's story is "imagining a friend" can take the first step.

"I want to start speaking English, but I can't get it to work.""I want to start a business, but I don't have any ideas.""I want to be able to play the acoustic guitar, but I tend to skip practice."

Everyone has an experience like this. I am updating notes and podcasts every day now, but at first I couldn't take action.

Here is recommended way to think about taking the first step in such a situation.

It is imagining what you would think if your acquaintances and friends started doing what you are about to do. Try to imagine yourself as a specific friend, and see if "I envy you for being ahead of me!"

If you feel envious at that time, I think you will feel a little impatient. This feeling makes you take a step forward, If you don't know what to do first, you will naturally take action to find out how to get started.

Also, the point is to imagine yourself with a specific friend, and if possible, it would be better to have a friend with a lifestyle similar to yours.

In my case, I wanted to output what I usually input, but at first I didn't know what to do, so I couldn't take action. However, when I thought about what my friend would think if I started first, I thought I would definitely feel jealous.

That's what drove me to find out how to start a podcast and put it into action.

Once you can take the first step, you will be able to take more and more actions. I'm also short for the first time in podcast, but I've already been operating 2 programs. (I would be happy if you could listen to it!)

If you want to start something new now, but you can't take the first step, please refer to this way of thinking!
