
(いしい てるぼう) 会社員。名古屋在住。映画と本とテレビが好きなインドアでしたが、山…


(いしい てるぼう) 会社員。名古屋在住。映画と本とテレビが好きなインドアでしたが、山登りを始めて少しだけ明るくなりました。note初心者ですが宜しくお願いします。


  • DMM英会話奮闘日記


  • 日常メモ



    INTERNET VIDEO CULTURE MAGAZINE "UMASHIKA" 映画・ドラマ・アニメ等、ビデオ屋的雑食ラインナップで様々な作品をPICKUPする私的カルチャーマガジン。


【UL】買って良かった。キャノンの超軽量・薄型パンケーキレンズ「EF-S24mm F2.8 STM」

嵩張らないレンズが欲しかった未だにCanonのAPS-C入門機Kiss X9を使っています。 フルサイズへのアップデートを悩んでいるうちに、カメラの価格がみるみる高騰していきました。気がつけば嗜む程度の私では買えない20万円超のレベルに到達してしまい、壊れるまではKiss X9をガシガシ使う決意をしました。 ガシガシ使うつもりなのに普段一眼レフを持ち歩くことを躊躇する理由は明確です。重くて嵩張るから面倒くさいからです。去年「EF50mm F1.8 STM」を買ってコンパクト

    • DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY53〜Free Conversation〜

      英語日記🔶August 11 Friday I have been using my current bicycle for ten years. Recently, however, my brakes have been acting up, so I decided to buy a new bike. I went to various stores to look at bicycles. I like flashy colors, but I couldn't f

      • DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY51〜Free Conversation〜

        英語日記🔶August 9 Wednesday I had a drink with a colleague at an American restaurant near my office. The place had the best anchovy fries and hamburgers as small as golf balls. And Budweiser was all-I-can-drink for two hours. I love good food a

        • DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY48〜Free Conversation〜

          英語日記🔶August 6 Sunday I went climbing in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. We entered a mountain stream and climbed up rocks and waterfalls. There was a big waterfall called "Spiral Waterfall", about 50 meters high, which we could not climb, so we s

        【UL】買って良かった。キャノンの超軽量・薄型パンケーキレンズ「EF-S24mm F2.8 STM」


        • DMM英会話奮闘日記
        • 日常メモ
        • UMASHIKA


          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY47〜Going Home〜

          英語日記🔶August 5 Saturday I woke up at 5 a.m. to go mountain climbing. After an hour-long train ride, I headed from Nagoya to Gifu. I traversed two 300-meter-high mountains. In winter, it would have taken me two and a half hours, but on this e

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY47〜Going Home〜

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY43〜It’s Summertime!〜

          英語日記🔶August 1 Tuesday The weather has been hot for a month now. Today's temperature was 35 degrees Celsius. I rode my bicycle to work in the morning. My back was drenched with sweat. I hate summer. I love winter. Snow is great. I can't wait

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY43〜It’s Summertime!〜

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY42〜What Time Is It?〜

          英語日記🔶July 31 Monday Last weekend was a tough hike. The temperature was 35 degrees Celsius. I drank a lot of water to avoid heat stroke. The sun was strong. My legs and hands got sunburned. They turned bright red and hurt a lot. A hat and su

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY42〜What Time Is It?〜

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY41〜Hotel Reservations〜

          英語日記🔶July 30 Sunday I cleared up my apartment. I always meal preparation on the weekend. And I put them in my lunch box every morning. I think that's the easiest way to do it. I get bored with the same menu every day, though. レッスン英語日記の添削から

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY41〜Hotel Reservations〜

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY37〜How Do I Look?〜

          英語日記🔶July 25 Tuesday I had a drink at the bar. I orderd a whiskey. It was so expensive. It was high alcohol content. Also I had a hangover. I learned. Alcohol should be consumed in moderation. レッスンHow do I look? 服装についてのやり取りに関するレッスン。 問題やレッ

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY37〜How Do I Look?〜

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY36〜consultation〜

          English diary🔶July 24 Monday I went to the dentist. It was because a silver tooth had come off. The doctor told me that he would have to remake it because it was misshapen. Medical expenses are expensive. Silver teeth are expensive. Oh my g

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY36〜consultation〜

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY35〜consultation〜

          英語日記🔶July 23 Sunday I cleaned the living room, the bathroom and the kitchen in the mornig. After that, I went shopping at the supermarket. I bought sushi and beer for lunch. I didn't feel like drinking alcohol at noon, I decided to have a n

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY35〜consultation〜

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY34〜Gift Shopping〜

          英語日記🔶July 22 Saturday Today I climbed mountain river. Enter the stream and keep climbing. Overcome the waterfall with only my body. I may die by being swept away. Side by side with danger. I feel life and death at the same time. This style

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY34〜Gift Shopping〜

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY33〜Teaching English〜

          英語日記🔶July 21 Friday I finished the job I had been preparing for a year. It was a messy job. It's a modest but surely effective project. Will it really be appreciated? The price for the energy is low. I feel totally discouraged. レッスン愚痴のような日

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY33〜Teaching English〜

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY31〜Traveling by Train〜

          英語日記🔶July 19 Wednesday
I get hungry at work. At 3:00 p.m., my stomach rumbled. There is a saying in Japan. "You can't fight a war if you're hungry." Everyone uses this saying as an excuse, They eat a lot of sweets. I too ate a donut and dr

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY31〜Traveling by Train〜

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY28〜Going to the Gym〜

          英語日記🔶July 17 Monday Today I made Gapao rice. I bought ingredients at a local supermarket. I also bought basil, which is hard to find. I will bring the Gapao rice to my office tomorrow. The smell of garlic and fish sauce was strong. When I o

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY28〜Going to the Gym〜

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY27〜Walking on a Chilly Day〜

          英語日記🔶July 16 Sunday I went hiking today. We climbed 1,600 meters. I walked about 12 kilometers and was extremely tired. I encountered wild pit vipers twice. Mountains are full of danger. But it's super fun and I can't stop. レッスンまずは添削から。 ラス

          DMM英会話奮闘日記 DAY27〜Walking on a Chilly Day〜