
新作 『いまはむかし』がIDFA(アムステルダム・ドキュメンタリー国際映画祭)に正式招待!

 世界的に権威のあるドキュメンタリー映画祭、オランダ・アムステルダム・ドキュメンタリー国際映画祭の今年度の正式招待作品として、伊勢真一監督の新作『いまはむかし −父・ジャワ・幻のフィルム−』(英題:Now is the Past -My Father, Java & The Phantom Films)がノミネートされました。

 新作『いまはむかし』は国内でもまだ公開されたばかり。現在、シネマ・チュプキ・タバタ(東京)、京都シネマ(京都)、名演小劇場(名古屋) 等で、上映中です。さらに、ジャック&ベティ(横浜)、伊勢 進富座(三重)、シネモンド(金沢) ほかにて公開予定! 


The truth of the "war” that I arrived at on a journey
to think of my late father …
“ I want to listen to the voices that were never spoken. ”

■Short synopsis
During WWII, Japan occupied many regions in Asia, claiming release from European colonialism. Chounosuke Ise, a Japanese film editor, created a variety of propaganda movies in Indonesia to rationalise Japan’s hegemony in Asia. The film ‘Now is the Past’ examines the journey of his son, Shin-ichi Ise, a Japanese documentary filmmaker, who started research 30 years ago while following his father’s path. Meanwhile, the senior Ise’s propaganda films, almost 130 of them, turned out to be preserved at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision. The son has tried to see the truth of war in Indonesia by looking for the father’s work.

The movie: “Now is the Past -My father, Java & the Phantom Films”
Cast : Chonosuke Ise, Shin-ichi Ise, Kayo Ise, Kadirman, Roshihan Anwar, People in Jakarta
Film Director :  Shin-ichi Ise


【いせフィルム】TEL. 03-3406-9455 E-mail. ise-film@rio.odn.ne.jp
