
英語日記 2023/07/15(SAT) テイクアウトかイートインか・石を買いに行った話

>Student (わたしが書いた文)

My workplace is a little cold, so male colleagues may feel comfortable. But exactly they are may make it’s cold by controlling air conditioning. Choosing between eat-in and take-out is a difficult question. I can't relax in places other than home, but I want to reduce the amount of trash in my house.

I went to a stone store last week. I was inspired by watching a spiritual content. I like such spiritual things, but at the same time I doubt them. I thought there would be no problem because the stone is cheap. I went to a shop run by a couple for about 20 years. There were some accessories, but most of them were raw stones. (This topic will be continued next time)

>Corrections (修正された文)

My workplace is a little cold, so my male colleagues may feel comfortable. But they are making it cold by controlling the air conditioning. Choosing between eat-in and take-out is a difficult question. I can't relax in places other than home, but I want to reduce the amount of trash in my house.

I went to a stone store last week. I was inspired by watching some spiritual content. I like such spiritual things, but at the same time, I doubt them. I think it's fine, though, because the stone was cheap. I went to a shop that's been run by a couple for about 20 years. There were some accessories, but most of them were raw stones. (This topic will be continued next time)


I thought there would be no problem because the stone is cheap.
I think it's fine, though, because the stone was cheap.
この though はなんなんだろうって思ったのですが、おそらく、前の文「~I doubt them.」を受けての逆説の意味なのでしょうね。「私は疑ってるけど大丈夫だと思った。なぜならそれは安いから」ということでしょう。私の場合、接続詞はBut / And / So くらいしか思いつかなくて、展開が苦しくなることがよくあるのですが、 though も使っていきたいですね。


前半は、職場で作業着を着ている男性がエアコンの設定温度を下げているのでは? という私の職場事情と、イートイン or テイクアウト、どっちがいいんだろう話です。私はテイクアウト派なのですが、ゴミが出ちゃうデメリットがあります。しかし、家が一番くつろげる場所だからやっぱり家で食べたくなっちゃう。



