
英語日記 2023/08/03(THU) 大阪で流行の10円パン・R1ヨーグルトを食べ始めた話

>Student (わたしが書いた文)

I had never heard of 10-yen cheese bread before. I googled it and I thought it was so funny. why is it in the shape of 10 yen? As I read articles seriously, it turned out that the color of the copper coin and the baked goods should be similar. And it was made to resemble Korean 10 won bread. I want to eat 10 yen bread, but I don't any plan to go to Dotonbori. However, it seems that you can buy 10 won bread in Shin-Okubo, a Korean city in Tokyo. I have to go when it gets cooler.

I heard that R1 yogurt is very good for your health from my colleague. He has never been sick for a long time due to it. So I started eating R1 yogurt everyday. It's a little expensive, but you can't put a price on your health.

>Corrections (修正された文)

I had never heard of 10-yen cheese bread before. I googled it and I thought it was so funny. Why is it in the shape of a 10-yen coin? As I read the articles seriously, it turned out that the color of the copper coin and the baked goods are similar. And it was made to resemble Korean 10-won bread. I want to eat 10-yen bread, but I don't have any plans to go to Dotonbori. However, it seems that you can buy 10-won bread in Shin-Okubo, a Korean city in Tokyo. I have to go when it gets cooler.

My colleague told me that R1 yogurt is very good for your health. He has not been sick for a long time due to it. So I started eating R1 yogurt every day. It's a little expensive, but you can't put a price on your health.


I heard that R1 yogurt is very good for your health from my colleague.
→ My colleague told me that R1 yogurt is very good for your health
またしても、日本語で思いついたまま書くとなんか違うシリーズです。英語の場合は My colleague を主語にするのが自然ですし、修正後の文を読むと「ああ……確かに」って納得するのですが、書く時にはなかなか気づけないものです。

He has never been sick for a long time due to it.
→ He has not been sick for a long time due to it.
have not と have never は同じようなものだと思っていたので、わざわざ訂正されているのはどうしてなんだろう?と疑問に思って調べてみました。教えて!goo や yahoo知恵袋の複数のQAを見たところ、never の方が「一度も無い」という点が強調されるのだそう。確かにこの文だと、完全に一度も病気になったことが無いワケないと思われるので、 not の方が適切そう。





