
「亰都國立博物館」で見えてくる時代の変遷。【京博Ⅰ】  The transition of the era that can be seen at the "Kyoto National Museum". ‥


I often go to the Kyoto National Museum when an interesting special exhibition is held. When I go out and always think about it, my eyes are drawn to the Meiji Kotokan designed by Tokuma Katayama. This building is the main building of the Kyoto National Museum and has been known to the world as the face of the museum for more than 120 years since 1895.


The appearance of the Meiji Kotokan seen from the front gate is something that I can understand even though I am an outsider. And on the name plate of the main gate, it is written as "Kyoto National Museum". As you've noticed, this character made me feel uncomfortable. The one that caught my eye was the kanji for "亰" in Kyoto. Under the Bushu(radical), the word "日", which is usually "口", was written. It is an old kanji that is no longer seen.


Examining this "亰", it seems that most of the Chinese handwriting in the Han and Tang era used this typeface in China. This tendency continued even in Japan during the Meiji era. It was written that the covers and doors of books at that time had the words "亰都" and "東亰" written on them.


Various things change with the changes of the times, but sometimes old things can be seen in the new times of this time. It's no wonder that old things look new, because all values change with the times. History is built again because of the new device (creation) that makes us think so.


レポート & 写真 /  渡邉雄二

Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
