
尾道三山の一つ「西國寺」の草鞋仁王門 【摩尼山 西國寺 「仁王門」】  One of the three mountains of Onomichi, "Saigoku-ji", the straw sandals Niomon


What I was looking forward to during the Onomichi interview was to visit "Onomichi Sanzan".
Mt. Daiho, Mt. Atago, and Mt. Jodoji are on the north side of the JR Sanyo Main Line. Twenty-five temples are concentrated in the mountains within a few kilometers centering on the three main mountains of the Shingon sect, Senko-ji, Saikoku-ji, and Jodo-ji. It is rare that such temples are densely packed in a small area. It is said that there used to be more than double the number of temples in the past.
Onomichi has been prosperous for commerce since ancient times and has developed as a major port for receiving cargo in the Seto Inland Sea, such as trade ships and Kitamaebune ships. It is said that there were many temples and shrines as if people gathered as a commercial area and became a base of worship for people at that time with a strong faith.



千光寺の取材を終え、次に向かったのが「摩尼山 西國寺」。山裾の細いくねくねした路地を30分ほど歩いた。見えてきたのが西國寺の山門(仁王門)。ご存じの方も多いだろうが、この山門は西國寺のシンボルであるが、尾道観光では外せないスポットになっている。それは、2mほどの巨大な草鞋をはじめ数々の草鞋が仁王門を覆うかのごとく吊り下げられている。

After finishing the interview with Senko-ji Temple, I headed to "Manisan Saigoku-ji Temple". I walked for about 30 minutes in the narrow winding alley at the foot of the mountain. What you can see is the mountain gate (Niomon) of Saikoku-ji Temple. As many of you may know, this mountain gate is a symbol of Saikoku-ji Temple, but it is a must-see spot for sightseeing in Onomichi. It is hung as if a number of straw sandals, including a huge straw sandal of about 2 m, cover the Niomon gate.
This Niomon was built in 1648 in the early Edo period and is designated as an important cultural property of the prefecture.



千光寺と同じように西國寺も「伝説」が多い寺院ある。仁王門の中に安置される阿吽の仁王像はその昔、真夜中にこの巨大な草鞋をはいて門の外に出て、悪さをする子どもを懲らしめて回る、という親にとっては都合のよい「草鞋伝説」が伝えられている。 “悪いことすると仁王さんがくるよ” という母の戒めの言葉になっていた。それが今でもまことしやかに伝わっているから不思議だ。実際は、寺院巡りの健脚を祈願して奉納されていることのようだ。

Like Senkoji, Saigokuji has many "legends". A long time ago, the statue of Aun's Nio enshrined inside the Nio Gate was a convenient "straw horse legend" for parents who put on this huge straw shoe at midnight and went out of the gate to discipline the child who did bad things. Is reported. It was the word of my mother's commandment, "If you do something wrong, Mr. Nioh will come." It's strange because it's still being conveyed in a true way. In fact, it seems that they are dedicated to prayer for the good legs of visiting temples.



振り向きざまに仁王様の “気をつけて!” という声が聞こえたような気がした。

When I hear such a story, I feel that Niou-sama, who is strictly enshrined with a lattice and wire mesh, is about to come out wearing a straw sandals. Go through this Niomon and enter the precincts. And on the way back, I looked into the grid again and reconfirmed what kind of face it was.
When I turned around, I felt like I heard Nio-sama's voice, "Be careful!"


リポート&写真/ 渡邉雄二 Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
