
本尊逸話の面白さ、永源寺。【淡海シリーズⅤ】 Eigen-ji is an interesting story of the main Buddha statue’s anecdote.


"Eigen-ji Temple" is known as one of the most famous autumn leaves spots in Kansai area. This temple is located in the back room of Higashiomi, a little far from Lake Biwa. The maple in late autumn is dyed red and you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of autumn colors. When I visited a few years ago in the early summer, the dark green of the trees were shining brightly.


本堂 /  main hall


The main deity of Eigen-ji is "Kanzeon Bodhisattva", but it's hard to see it because it is an opening ceremony once in the quarter century. This is one person who wants to visit if the timing of the special opening is right.
It is said that Jakushitsu Zenshi, who founded this Eigen-ji Temple, was caught in a storm when he returned home from China, and when the Zen Master quietly prayed, the Kanzeon Bodhisattva in his white robe appeared on the sea and the storm was calmed down.


There is also a story that is the main body of the Kanzeon Bodhisattva. The anecdote tells that Jakushitsu Zenshi saw the light at the eastern peak every night, and when he visited the light, there was a statue of a small Kanzeon Bodhisattva that was 1/8 inch (about 5 cm) long on a large stone. It was admired that the little Kannon must have been the Buddha who calmed the storm that he encountered when he returned from China, and the statue is engraved in the crown of the Kanzeon Bodhisattva statue.
Furthermore, at that time, the son of Ujiyori Sasaki, a guardian of Omi guardian, was not blessed with the heir, and when he was prayed by this Kannon, he was given a succession, so the principal name is "Yotsugi Kanzeon Bodhisattva" is added to the anecdote.


山肌には十六羅漢の石仏 /  A stone Buddha of 16 Rakan


A stone Buddha of 16 Rakan is enshrined on the mountain surface of the approach to the main hall after passing through the gates. There was a unique Jizo beside the stone steps that climbed the mountain surface. It is no exaggeration to say that Jizo-san became a fan of Eigen-ji because he was attracted to the style and faces. Later, it often appears in my profile picture.


ユニークな地蔵さん/ attracted to the style and faces

レポート & 写真  /  渡邉雄二

Reported & Photo by Yuji Watanabe
