
淡海の葦。【湖水の風景Ⅱ】  Sea reeds in the lake

「葺辺(あしべ)には 鶴(たづ)がね鳴きて 湖風(みなとかぜ)寒く吹くらむ 津乎の崎はも」。

“Cranes squeal in the bushes of reeds, and the lake breeze blows cold”
Yoshi in Tankai (Lake Biwa) is read in Manyoshu. It is plant that is a representative of Japan from the old days like rice. Even in Lake Biwa, it inhabits a lot on the shores of Lake, Omihachiman City, Kosai region.

津の里 万葉集


When I looked it up, it was called "Ashi" until the Heian period, and after that, it seems that Ashi became "Ashi" because it was associated with "bad" and was unlucky. The first thing that comes to mind as a product when Yoshi is used is "sudare". The one made from the stem of Yoshi is called "Yoshizu". Yoshi is also used for the thatched roof of an old folk house. In addition, the torches used for ceremonies such as shrines also have a pine tree core and a pine tree bundled together. In addition, Yoshi's stem is said to have been used as a whistle because it has a hollow inside. In ancient China, it seems that reeds are used for the "tongue" that touches the mouth of the musical instrument Hichiriki, and for the "reed" part of Western musical instruments.


なによりも葦が知られていることで有名なのが、フランスの哲学者 ブレーズ・パスカルが記した「人間は考える葦(アシ)である」という言葉。これなら聞いたことがあるという人も多いのではないだろうか。
しかし、何で人間が "葦" なんだろうと疑問がわいてくる。強風が吹くと茎が折れて倒れやすい弱い植物であるのは間違いない。それが、何で? と。

The most famous thing for the known reeds is the phrase "human beings are reeds that think" written by the French philosopher Blaise Pascal. I think there are many people who have heard of this. However, the question arises as to why humans are "reeds". There is no doubt that it is a weak plant whose stems break easily when strong winds blow. Why is that?
When I looked it up, the answer was: "Human beings are like one of the weakest reeds in nature, but they have the ability to think." It was a very easy-to-understand answer.

レポート& 写真 / 渡邉雄二 写真 / 津の里万葉集の画像より転載   Reported & Photos by Yuji Watanabe
