
千本釈迦堂で"みほとけ"を拝覧。 京・春の散策シリーズ ―大報恩寺Ⅱ―

一昨年の12月初旬までの約2か月間、東京国立博物館で多くの人たちの、珠玉としての熱い眼差しを受けられた。また、拝覧された方たちは、寛大な “みほとけ”の十力を授けられたことであろう。

常しえの棲み処、千本釈迦堂(大報恩寺)で800年の時代を超えて世情を視てこられた。そして今も、さらに未来をも。今年2020年が大報恩寺開創800年。それを前に、一昨年の東京に続き九州国立博物館で京都 大報恩寺『快慶・定慶のみほとけ』特別展が開催された。


                               如意輪観音座像 / Nyoirinkannonzazo


                             十一面観音立像 /  Jyuichimenkannonryuzo


                                  馬頭観音立像 /  Batoukannonryuzo

東京に引き続いて「慶派」といわれる大佛師の傑作佛像が、九州の地で晩春から初夏を過ごされた。その合間に、常地、千本釈迦堂で “みほとけ”を拝覧させていただいた。それも撮影が許されてのことだった。(通常は撮影禁止)



              お釈迦様の十人の弟子像 /  Statue of Buddha's ten discples

今年は開創され800年。京都の寺院では最古の本堂で、国宝に指定されている。春の洛中散策に本堂以外に重要文化財の仏像等の宝庫である。仏像に関心を持っている方はとくにお勧め。                             レポート/ 渡邉雄二

Looks somehow calm expression. It is probably because They have finished work and returned to their house. It is wonder because it looks like that when you look at it.
About two months before the beginning of December of the year before last year, many people had a hot gaze at the Tokyo National Museum. Also, the visitors have been given the generous power of "Mihotoke".

At Senbon Shakado (Daihoon-ji), the home of the everlasting habitat, I have been able to see the world over 800 years. And now, and even the future. This year, 2020 is the 800th anniversary of Daihoon-ji. Ahead of that, a special exhibition was held at the Kyushu National Museum following the year before last year in Tokyo at the Kyushu National Museum.

The statue of 10 Buddha's disciples, including the Buddhist statue of the Buddhist priest Yakushinyorai (secret Buddha) at the temple, was built by Gyoki, the most disciple of Kaikei . Disciples, a statue of Rokukannon Bosatsu by Jokei, and others were shown at the Kyushu National Museum.
A masterpiece statue of a great Buddhist priest, called the “Kei-ha”, continued in Tokyo from late spring to early summer in Kyushu. In the meantime, I visited "Miho Toke" at Senbon Shakado in usual house. l took pictures with permission. (No shooting normally)

It is the oldest main temple in Kyoto and is designated as a national treasure. It is a treasure trove of Buddha statues and other important cultural properties besides the main hall for a stroll through Rakuchu in the spring.
Those who are interested in Buddha statues are especially recommended.

                    Reported by Yuji Watanabe
