




“Yukkuri Jikkyo”
“Yukkuri Kaisetsu”
“Yukkuri Gekijo”
Dwango applied for these three trademarks, however JPO issued reasons for their refusal.


Many “Yukkuri videos” have been uploaded online. These videos include characters named “yukkuri shite itte ne! (please take your time!)” or “yukkuri (take your time)” giving various explanations. The reasons for refusal were issued on the grounds that the three trademarks including “Yukkuri Jikkyo” lacked distinctiveness—for example, they did not indicate the contents of these “Yukkuri videos.”


However, according to press reports, Dwango has stated that on the contrary, it is actually “pleased” with these reasons for rejection. This is because as long as these trademarks are understood to lack distinctiveness, no particular individual or company will be able to acquire and monopolize the trademark rights for “Yukkuri Jikkyo,” etc., thereby proving that these words are free for everyone to use.


Dwango filed these trademark applications and received the reasons for refusal for the benefit of the people who upload such videos.


Last year, the trademark “Yukkuri Chabangeki” was registered under the name of an unrelated party, however the registration was later cancelled. The reasons for refusal on this occasion were also significant as a warning to third parties not to register the trademark “Yukkuri” without permission, like what happened in that previous incident.


Trademarks are a system that involves public interest. While it is in the public interest to prevent the misattribution of quality by monopolizing a single trademark by a specific person, it is also in the public interest to apply for trademarks in this manner and have them be judged as having no distinctiveness.

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弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
