
[決算][3M] 24年2Q 新CEOの決算会見(3)


3M Company の24年2Q決算会見から、これはと思った部分を抜粋。



質疑応答は3M CompanyのWebページにある Transcript には載っていなくて、Yahoo! Finance(米国版)のニュース記事から持ってきました。



You talked a lot about capital allocation and I think the narrative obviously around PFAS is that there's negative optionality from the balance sheet, if you will, but that it's a drag. You're talking about being a little bit more on your front foot from that perspective.

And the only place PFAS is mentioned is in the Slide 2, which is in the legal disclaimers. You didn't talk about it really at all in the slides. What's your take there? And do you have any perhaps pivot and strategy around PFAS in that liability?


Willian M. Brown CEOの答え


Well, thanks for the question. Look, first of all, we've got a great team of advisors, legal inside and outside that are managing PFAS and other liabilities. When I step back and look at just where we've been, the Public Water Supply settlement was a great step, important first step, really in managing some of the risks. But there's more to be done.

We're continuing to manage litigation from some of the opt-outs, other cases within the MDL, there's Europe that's sort of hanging out there. We continue to control in that area. We've got very exhaustive disclosures in the Q and the K and again we have a great team that are really focused on managing that. Where I think I'm best putting my time are the things that drive value creation for our owners and that's driving the top-line and driving operational excellence in the business.


  • 3M Company には、PFAS やその他の法律関連の案件に対処する優秀なチームがいる。

  • PWS(公共水道事業者)との和解したことは大きな一歩、重要な第一歩だった。

  • やるべきことはまだたくさん残っている。

  • 訴訟案件については、QとK(米国証券取引委員会に提出する各種書類。日本風に言えば、四半期報告書や有価証券報告書など)で非常に徹底した開示を行っている。


We do generate great cash flow. We see it in the quarter. We saw the first half, 90% to 110% free cash flow conversion for the year. I've got ideas on how we can drive that further over time.

We're at 0.3 leverage ratio. So when I step back, I think we actually have a very strong balance sheet. We can manage appropriately the risks that we see in front of us. And even through that, we have options here to do things with our balance sheet.

So, I'm focusing on the things we can control and really getting the team pivoted back to what do we do to drive growth and operational excellence.




What do you think the market is missing in its pretty harsh and negative narrative around this PFAS overhang from what you've heard?


Willian M. Brown CEOの答え


I can't really comment on what the market may or may not be missing on that, Steve. What I'm focusing on the things that we control. I read the Q very, very thoroughly, like all of our investors do. It takes a long time to get through it.

I think we've done it. We do a great job at the disclosure there. But again, we've got a great team that's managing this. It's a dynamic situation and I trust what they're doing.

I'm involved in that. Mike has been very helpful. He has a lot of expertise in this area because of the time he had to spend on it. I'm relying on him here as well.

  • 市場が何を見逃しているかについてはコメントできない。

  • PFASの訴訟案件については専門の対策チームがいるし、マイク・ローマン(前CEO)もこの件に詳しい。なのでこの件は彼らに任せている。もちろん自分も関与はしてはいるが。

And again, I think where my time is best placed is what do we do to drive the other 64,000 of the 65,000 employees? What are they going to do to drive value creation? We've got a lot of people focused on PFAS. We have to get people focused back on the core things and what makes 3M great.

私が最も時間を割くべきなのは、65,000 人の従業員のうち、残りの 64,000 人のやる気を引き出すために何をするか、価値創造を推進するために何をするか、ということだ。

