
How I spend my time at home Part 2! Making Dalgona Coffee

Hello everyone. How is everything going?
Golden week started but for me, every day is like holidays so I feel it not that special. It’s kind of sad, but I hope everything becomes normal asap, so let’s stay home and contribute to the society.

So, it’s time to introduce how I spend my time at home right now.
Do you all know Dalgona Coffee from South Korea?
I didn’t know the meaning of Dalgona so I searched on google, and find out it means caramel. So how does dalgona and coffee relates…However, all of my friends on Instagram are posting stories of this thing, so I am going to follow them!

(I actually do not like to follow things everyone is doing, but for now, I will try anything…!)

So, what you need to prepare is just coffee, sugar and water. Each of them needed to be the same amount. Isn’t it very easy? I am sure many of you have these at home, so you do not have to go buy to the crowded supermarkets.

Then what you need to do is just mix them up. It takes about an hour if you want to do it by hand, but if you use electric hand mixer, it will only take about a minute.
I tried both, but it was too tiring for me to mix it by hand for about an hour, so I went to 100 yen shop and bought a mini hand mixer.
If it does not get heavy, just put some more sugar. The amount of water might be too much.


So if you want to make it photogenic, use a cup of glass. Put milk and dalgona to make it like a layer. Well, talking about myself, I don’t care about photogenic anymore so I use colored cups and make a hot one.

Talking about the taste…it’s good! Maybe you do not have to go to coffee shops paying 400 yen or more. I do not like sweet coffee so I do not put sugar and only put a little amount of water. It does not get like the beautiful light brownie color, but if you like bitter coffee, I’ll recommend you to make this type, not using sugar.


If you make it by hand, you can kill time and also this will be a good exercise for you to do at home. I feel I do not get enough exercise right now, so next time I might make it by hand.

If you like to follow the trend you might already tried this but why don’t you make it again? And for those who do not like to follow the trend, just make it. You do not have to make it photogenic, it is just tasty so that I can recommend to everybody.

See you and hope you would try making dalgona coffee.

