
She - Sep. 30, 2023

Trying to figure out what it means to like someone. Today, I went out for sushi with the person I like. When we met two weeks ago, I confessed my feelings, and we agreed to take some time to get to know each other better before giving an answer. This is the first time we've met since then. Our conversation flows smoothly, it's enjoyable to talk, there are many aspects of her that I deeply respect, and no matter how many times we meet, she's always cute and bueatiful. Ah, I really like her.

There's a novel titled "It Might Be Real Love If You Remembered It in the Fitting Room." I've never read it, but I know the title. When I went to buy dress slacks for a different reason and tried them on, I unconsciously wondered, "Will she think I look nice?"

I want to get to know her beyond just being friends. I want our relationship to be built on even stronger trust. Maybe by understanding each other deeply, feelings of affection and things like that will naturally develop, and that's how you come to like someone.

Just some random thoughts! haha
