
to maintain a good and long relationship - Oct. 23, 2023

I tend to overthink things. Some might say I enjoy pondering, but I think "overthink" suits me better. Yesterday, when I went out for a dinner with someone I like, this habit suddenly emerged. In other words, I shared with her everything that was on my mind. Most of my thoughts are usually scattered with no clear conclusion. I ended up rambling on without much coherence. Midway through, I even lost track of what I was trying to say. I started worrying that if I continued like this, she might not like me, which only made my head spin even more.

Before entering a relationship with someone you like, there's always the question of how much of yourself you should reveal. If you want to maintain a strong and lasting relationship, you probably need to show your vulnerabilities and unique personality traits to the other person. After all, it's bound to come out eventually. I'm not particularly fond of my tendency to overthink and narrow my perspective. I see it as a weakness. I try to appear like I have a broad outlook, but it probably doesn't come across that way to others. I think it was good that I was able to share the parts that matter to me with her.

This morning, the moment I woke up, she came to mind. It brings to mind what Ichiro once said, "If you think of someone when you wake up in the morning, you probably like them quite a bit." Once again, I realized that I really like her.

