
make my own thesaurus to improve my expressions - Sep. 21,2023

When I'm having online English conversation classes, I often find myself using the same words repeatedly. So, starting from yesterday, I decided to create my own thesaurus. I'll use ChatGPT and a thesaurus to record alternative words and expressions for the ones I frequently use, so I can refer back to them anytime. I write English diaries on a blog app called "note" every day. I'd like to start posting synonyms and related words for the words and expressions that caught my attention during today's lesson there.

I want to work on this diligently so that I can always look back on it and it becomes a record of my studies.

Today's word : "dangerous"
I asked ChatGPT "Please tell me some words and expressions that measn 'dangerous'"


  1. Hazardous:

    • Meaning: Involving risk or danger; potentially harmful or unsafe.

  2. Risky:

    • Meaning: Involving the possibility of harm or loss; potentially dangerous.

  3. Perilous:

    • Meaning: Full of danger; likely to cause harm or injury.

  4. Menacing:

    • Meaning: Threatening or suggesting the presence of danger.

  5. Treacherous:

    • Meaning: Deceptively dangerous; hazardous due to hidden or unexpected risks.

  6. Unsafe:

    • Meaning: Not safe; presenting risk or danger.

  7. Lethal:

    • Meaning: Capable of causing death or serious harm.

  8. Destructive:

    • Meaning: Causing great damage or harm.

  9. Life-threatening:

    • Meaning: Posing a serious risk to a person's life.

  10. Precarious:

    • Meaning: Not securely held or in position; dangerously unstable or uncertain.


  1. Playing with fire:

    • Meaning: Engaging in a risky or dangerous activity.

  2. Walking on thin ice:

    • Meaning: Engaging in a situation that is precarious or risky.

  3. Living on the edge:

    • Meaning: Leading a life that involves a lot of risk or danger.

  4. A ticking time bomb:

    • Meaning: A potentially dangerous situation that could become a problem at any moment.

  5. Courting disaster:

    • Meaning: Engaging in actions or behaviors that are likely to lead to a dangerous or disastrous outcome.

  6. Pushing one's luck:

    • Meaning: Taking unnecessary risks and relying on luck to avoid danger.

  7. In harm's way:

    • Meaning: In a position or situation where one is likely to be in danger.

  8. Riding for a fall:

    • Meaning: Engaging in behavior that is likely to lead to a downfall or failure.

  9. Jumping out of the frying pan into the fire:

    • Meaning: Moving from a bad or dangerous situation into an even worse one.

  10. Stepping into the lion's den:

    • Meaning: Entering a situation that is known to be dangerous or risky.
