
Healing Salon HOOLOLI : Spiritual Healing Salon Information / Meguro Station, Tokyo

Healing Salon HOOLOI

close to you
Focusing on the 7 chakras
Hand healing that sends the natural energy of the universe
Collect highly pure healing energy
By sending you the wavelength you need
Guides you to the original harmonious mind and body


HOOLOLI's Shinra Healing

The Shinra Energy I use in my healing is the natural energy that emanates from everything in the entire universe and fills the universe. By connecting this sacred and pure energy to you as an intermediary, I bring you back to your original harmonious balance and guide you toward fundamental healing. The pure natural energy of Shinra Energy will also lead you to a better transformation of your body, mind, and fortune as you continue to fill it.

By sending warm healing Shinra Energy from the 7 chakras, it heals your body and mind from stress, fatigue, worries, suffering, sadness, disharmony, and suffering, and leads you to your true shining self with life force and vitality.

Healer Profile

Healer Shiro

I was born with a soul memory, and my innate keen intuition allows me to see various visions. Since childhood, I have grown up in a rich natural environment, feeling the energy of the universe, and have played with energy as a matter of course. I experience many spiritual and magical events. At university and graduate school, he was interested in the formation of the world and studied about molecules and atoms. Later, I worked as an engineer and top management in the working world. In 2023, I started working as a healer, intuiting that the time had come for me to help others.


Since I was a child, I have lived in a place surrounded by forests, and I grew up feeling that all beings in nature have souls and energies. I have received the will of these beings. I was born with a part of my soul's memory, and I understood the existence of the soul of the whole forest from an early age without being taught by anyone. In addition, I have been looking at the beauty of things that exist in nature and in the world, and have continued to think about what the essence of beauty is from a very young age. In elementary school, I thought about life, death, and existence, and as I progressed through junior high and high school, I became interested in the truths that make up the world, such as what matter is, what molecules are, what atoms are, and what the universe is. As a working adult, I worked for a foreign company as an engineer and in top management, but one day I began to feel strongly again the spiritual world, invisible spiritual beings, and natural energy, and was led to become a healer.


In a society where it is so easy to feel uncomfortable to live, many people are in difficult situations, losing their true sense of self, suffering from mental and physical fatigue, and energy imbalance.
My goal in life is to heal people in such situations and help them regain their true sense of self and transform their lives for the better.

I will support you with my innate qualities as a healer, my intuition, my ability to sense and handle natural energy that I have nurtured since childhood, my commitment to physical and mental health, and the knowledge and experience I have gained.


Shinra Healing at HOOLOLI

Restoring Harmony with the Energy of Nature

HOOLOLI's Shinra Healing is a healing method that connects you to the universal natural energy (=Shinra Energy) emitted by everything in the universe as an intermediary, bringing you back to your original harmonious balance and leading you to fundamental healing. Shinra energy is a pure natural energy that, when continually filled, will transform your life and your fortune for the better.
The spiritual energy that surrounds you and flows through you can become depleted, out of balance, or out of flow due to environment, stress, and fatigue. Energy depletion and stagnation can lead to a lowered mindset, mental instability, and physical and mental illness.
Shinra energy is delivered to the chakras and other necessary places to balance the energy, which leads to emotional stability, mental fulfillment, proper cellular activity, and relief of physical symptoms, leading to fundamental healing.

<For those who have these concerns>

○ Mental and physical disorders caused by work or role

Those who feel chronic stress, heavy feelings, irritability and other mental disorders, and physical disorders such as fatigue, tiredness, loss of appetite and insomnia due to various reasons such as heavy responsibilities with no escape, pressure, difficult decisions and judgments, and consideration for various stakeholders.

○ Mental and physical disorders caused by interpersonal relationships

Those who are experiencing suffering, distress, mental depression, mental anxiety, mental/mental illness, malaise, fatigue, chronic fatigue, and physical discomfort in various relationships such as married couples, partners, families, complex partnerships, LGBTQ, acquaintances, friends, workplace, small communities, and local communities.

○Mental and physical disorders due to parent-child relationship

Those who are suffering from stress of housework and childcare, disharmony in parent-child relationship, children's non-attendance at school, mental and physical disorder of children, withdrawal of children, rebelliousness of children, difficulty in gifting childcare, etc.

Children suffering from physical or mental disorder, developmental disability, autism, bullying, truancy, gifted, friendships and school life, etc.

(*Please bring your child with you and wait in the same room, outside the room, etc., depending on your child's preference.)

○Pet's fatigue or discomfort

Those who want to give healing to their precious pets, those who are considering comfortable healing for their pets, and those who are worried about their pets' poor health or lack of energy.

Shinra Healing ( Short healing 60 min )

○ Healing process
Counseling (approximately 20 minutes *30 minutes for the first session)
We will check your current energy status through hearings and dowsing.

Healing (approximately 30 minutes *20 minutes for the first session)
Relax on the treatment table and apply Shinra energy to the required areas, focusing on the chakras .
*Basically, the position is on your back or in a sitting position.

Communication (about 10 minutes) We will tell you about your energy status and advice for the future.

○ Price :
16,500 yen including tax
Initial price: 7,000 yen including tax
* 300 minute ticket/60,000 yen including tax (27% OFF)
 Reference: 60 minute session 5 times
* Can be extended for an additional 2,750 yen (tax included) for every 10 minutes

Shinra Healing ( Basic healing 100 min )

Counseling (approximately 20 minutes *30 minutes for the first session)
We will check your current energy status through hearings and dowsing.

Healing (approximately 70 minutes *60 minutes for the first session)
Relax on the treatment table and apply Shinra energy to the required areas, focusing on the chakras .
*Basically, the position is on your back or in a sitting position.

Communication (about 10 minutes) We will tell you about your energy status and advice for the future.

○ Price :
27,500 yen including tax
Initial price: 10,000 yen including tax
* 300 minute ticket/60,000 yen including tax (27% OFF)
 Reference: 100 minute session 3 times
* Can be extended for an additional 2,750 yen (tax included) for every 10 minute

Shinra Pet Healing ( 60 min : healing for pets )

○ Healing process
Counseling (approximately 20 minutes *30 minutes for the first session)
We will check your current energy status through hearings and dowsing.

Healing (approximately 30 minutes *20 minutes for the first session)
The healer will adjust your pet's posture so that he can safely hold his hand over it, and Shinra energy will flow where it is needed .

Communication (about 10 minutes) We will tell you about your energy status and advice for the future.

○ Price :
16,500 yen including tax
Initial price: 7,000 yen including tax
* 300 minute ticket/60,000 yen including tax (27% OFF)
 Reference: 60 minute session 5 times
* Can be extended for an additional 2,750 yen (tax included) for every 10 minutes

Remote Shinra Healing ( 30 min )

○ Flow from reservation to reservation confirmation
Reservations for remote healing through the inquiry form on our website or through DM on our Instagram.

We will inform you of the fee and bank account, so please transfer the fee to the specified bank account by the day before the treatment date.

Reservation confirmed after payment confirmation

○ Healing process
Counseling via LINE or Instagram DM (about 10 minutes )
We will check your physical condition and confirm your purpose and wishes for healing.

Remote Shinra Healing (about 20 minutes)
Please relax, lie on your back, and close your eyes. Channel Shinra energy.

Notice of completion of healing
When the healing is over, we will send you a message via LINE or Instagram DM to say that the healing is over.

○ Price:
8,250 yen including tax
Initial price: 4,000 yen including tax
* 150 minute ticket/33,000 yen (tax included) (20 % OFF)
 Reference: 30 minute session for 5 times
*Please pay the transfer fee.
* Cancellations made before the reservation time on the day will not be charged a cancellation fee and a full refund will be given. However, please note that you will be responsible for the transfer fee for refunds associated with cancellation procedures.
*If you cancel after the reservation time, 100% of the treatment fee will be charged as a cancellation fee.
*Extension is possible at an additional charge of 2,750 yen (tax included) for every 10 minutes.

○ Information on advantageous tickets that can be used on all sessions

The regular price is 2,750 yen including tax for every 10 minutes on all menus, but we have discounted tickets available.

  150 minute ticket/33,000 yen (tax included) (20 % OFF)
Reference: 30 minute session for 5 times

  300 minute ticket /60,000 yen (tax included) (27% OFF)
        Reference: 100 minute session for 3 times

About Salon information

○ Location

◇ Tokyo ◇

Healing rooms are located within a 5-minute walk from Meguro Station, or the following areas in Tokyo.

Meguro Salon : Room 804, Asahi Meguro Business Mansion, 3-5-3 Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

[ on-site service area ]
Shibuya, Minato, Chuo-ku, Shinjuku, Chiyoda, Meguro, Shinagawa, Toshima, Bunkyo and Setagaya wards

We will visit your home, hotel, workplace, or any other space where you can relax and receive healing.

○ Overview
Business hours: 12:00-20: 00
*Remoet healing available from 10:00 to 23:00

Payment method: Cash payment


 He is a very good-hearted person. His atmosphere is calm and gentle, but I can see strong passion inside him. Every time after have his healing session, my body feels lighter and I become like half awake and half asleep. I believe that the body and mind, everything is associated with energy. His hand scans me and adjusts the energy flow to a healthy state. Myself, practicing as a bodyworker, his healing hand is the keeper of my condition. I recommend all the people who are challenged physically or mentally to see him. He will always do his best for you.

Yoh Kitahara
Owner, Therapist of Massage S-Shape

Media Coverage

Bijin Hyakka, a famous magazine for women

Reservation / Contact

For reservations, inquiries, or questions, please feel free to contact us using the inquiry form on our web site  or DM on our Instagram !

To make a reservation, please enter the following information in the message box on our website.

・Session of your choice 

・Multiple approximate preferred dates and times
(e.g., Tuesdays and Wednesdays after ⚪︎ on ⚪︎ month, weekdays after ⚪︎, etc.)

・The location where you would like the session
(e.g., Meguro Salon, my home a 5-minute walk from ⚪︎⚪︎ station, etc.)

We also accept reservations and inquiries via DM on Instagram; if you wish to contact us via DM, please include your name and a description of your inquiry. If you would like to make a reservation, please let us know your preferred course, date and time, and preferred location as above.

Our WEB site
Our Instagram
