
自傷行為やトラウマと向き合う Facing self scar and my past trauma

日本に生まれ育ち、日本のドイツ学校に通っていたMayuko Nicolaysen。11歳の頃にメンタルヘルスの問題を抱え始めてから、大うつ病性障害と診断され、自傷行為や過去のトラウマと向き合う日々を送っている。日本でのメンタルヘルスに関する情報や教育が不足していることから、さまざまな偏見や誤解を抱かれることもあると語る。Mayukoさんは、日本ではメンタルヘルスの問題に対してまだまだ閉鎖的であり、タブーな話題として扱われていることが多いのではないかと疑問の声を投げかけた。

Mayuko Nicolaysen was born and raised in Japan and has been to German school in Japan. About 11 years old, she began having issues with her mental health. She has been facing self scar and her past trauma. Due to lack of information and education about mental health in Japan, she said that some people still have bias and misunderstand about people who have mental health issues. She left a question why talking about mental health issues is not usual and considered as a taboo topic at the end of this interview.


I began having issues with my mental health from 11 age when I first started cutting myself. It's not only influenced my personal life at home but also my school life. In the last few years of high school I barely had the motivation to attend class and skipped on a lot of days which, of course, worsened my grades. Eventually I was put into a hospital for 2 weeks where I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder when I was 14. Since I couldn’t attend class and failed most of my exams, I was held back a year.


Since the very few friends I had while my twin sister were now all a year above me, it further fueled my misery and self hate. My self harm also worsened even after getting out of the hospital, and it became a daily/monthly habit up until this year.


I wouldn’t say there’s only one thing that triggered it. I can only say that I was put into many difficult/traumatizing situations from a very young age that must’ve influenced my behavior and personality. Since I was a little girl, I saw and heard my parents fighting a lot, so that was a big issue I was dealing with on a daily basis up until last year, when they finally got separated. When I became a teenager, I also got involved with someone who was extremely toxic and mentally abusive towards me. That went on for almost 4 years until our relationship finally ended in May of last year. In conclusion, I think that there are many different factors that could have influenced my self destructive behavior and depression.


When I was still in school they were mostly bad, especially when people found out that I was put into a mental hospital. My parents didn’t know how to handle the situation, which I no longer blame them for. When it comes to my scars, people often make comments about it especially in summer even until this day, whether it be friends, partners or even strangers. Although I am no longer bothered by it, those comments used to make me very insecure.


In japanese culture, people are told to keep their mouth shut and not talk about depression or any other mental illness, which is extremely harmful for everyone. It is considered as a so-called "tabu topic". Therefore, There’s a huge stigma behind since people don't talk about it enough or even acknowledge that it is a huge problem in Japan. It is looked at as if it's something you should be ashamed of and something you should always keep to yourself.


I am not surprised that the suicide rates among Japanese people are so high. Since I went to a German school, I don't know if Japanese schools provide school counselors, but even in mine, where things are done more in the "International“ way, we didn’t have anything like that. If you want a therapist as a kid or a teenager, you need to tell your parents and look for one yourself, which most people are afraid to do, because they fear that their parents or friends will judge them.


There are simply not enough resources available for people who don't speak the language. I went from one therapist to another, never finding anyone who listened to me or took me seriously. I still haven’t found the right therapist yet and I sort of gave up on the idea of getting help from a mental health professional in japan. Oftentimes therapists here cannot speak English or for the ones you do, it's very expensive. There are simply not enough resources available for people who don't speak the language. I went from one therapist to another, never finding anyone who listened to me or took me seriously. I still haven’t found the right therapist yet and I sort of gave up on the idea of getting help.


Anything that is self destructive will never be considered beautiful or acceptable in our society, and I won’t say if that’s right or wrong. But that also means people with self harm scars will always be treated differently in some way and will be looked down upon. If you see someone with self harm scars, most likely they don't want it to be brought up out of the blue. People with scars are human beings and want to be accepted just like everyone else, so simply treat them like the rest of us, and only talk about it in an appropriate manner, at the right place and the right time.


There isn’t really a specific way I “deal” with self harm. Over the last 7 years of self harming I’ve learned a lot about my trauma, my triggers and my behavior. There’s not one thing that will magically cure everything and make you stop cutting. It’s years of learning, failing, accepting that you’ve relapsed and not giving up. I am fortunate enough to know people who accept that part of me and support me through my worst days, which has definitely made my life better. But that doesn’t mean I no longer struggle or stop to think about it. My scars are permanent and will remind me of my dark days for the rest of my life, but I’ve learned to turn it into a positive thing. Instead of feeling constantly sorry for myself and drowning in self pity, I „use“ my past struggles as a tool to help and educate other people who are going through the same thing that I went through.


Over the last couple years I’ve learned to deal with my mental health in a better way. After many years of struggling with self harm I was able to overcome it with the support of my loved ones. I still relapse sometimes and turn to bad coping mechanisms but it’s gotten much better than before. After many years of isolating myself and not letting anyone help me, I am now able to reach out to people and rely on them for help if I really need it. Everyday is still a challenge and my depression is still something I have to deal with, but it's gotten much easier for me since I know myself better now.


Also, the friends I’ve made this year are very supportive of me and try to help wherever they can, which I’m very grateful for. When I opened up about it on social media, I got a lot of positive feedback and people were extremely kind and caring. So it often goes both ways. I guess the people who are nice about it are mostly people who know me on a personal level.


I believe the situation may be different if we have enough education about mental health. Mental is as important as body health. But why do people who have mental problems should be treated in bad ways? Why is mental health not spoken as much as physical health?


Apart from getting education of mental health, it’s always good to make the people struggling feel like they are being heard. Oftentimes it’s not about giving advice but more about simply listening and being there for them. Sometimes that’s all we need. It is never good to tell someone to "just stop“ or get angry when they have relapsed. Making them feel like they’re Crazy or delusional isn’t going to help the situation. I'm aware that it is hard to witness someone go through these struggles but it's even harder to be the one going through it.


I like it when I do photography. One of my main sources of happiness is definitely my passion for photography. I've taken it much more seriously since last year, since I got out of school and had a lot of free time. With photography I had the chance to meet many different people with different backgrounds, stories and passions. I believe that listening to people's stories through my photography has made me become a more patient and understanding person. And of course, spending time with my family and friends also makes me feel extremely happy. I've always been a person who likes being around people and prefers being surrounded by friends rather than being alone. I love helping people out, being the shoulder they can cry on and knowing that I was able to help them even just a little bit.

edit/direction Honoka Yamasaki
photo Taro
Video Takumi Yamasaki
English text char
