




"Come on in." She lost her sense of direction when she heard someone call out suddenly.  Where? She shook her head, and a muffled voice repeated the same words. "Come on in. Would be raiing out door soon" She looked in the direction of the voice and saw a man looking at her through a screen door. He was wearing a striped suit that looked out of place in the dusty, abandoned shack, not a speck of dirt on his face. She immediately thought he looked out of this world. "Come on in, don't be shy," the man said, squeaking at the screened door. "It's not your house," the woman thought to herself, and turned her head to look at him. "Can you hear…" She looked up in a panic, because there was no one behind the screen door, "… the wind howl?"  The woman almost screamed out loud, but she almost stopped herself. She nodded silently as she was hugged from behind. Then, she and the man committed the act in the kitchen where the slaves had once prepared food for their slave masters. It was the first time she had taken a guest without talking about money.

"So, her ex-boy friend got your girl back?"
"Yeah, he's a lucky son of a bitch... but I'm not going to let him get away with it..."
"Yeah, well... So, how much are you gonna give me?
"What's that supposed to mean? . . money"

The man lightly leaned back, looked at the woman, and rolled his eyes.

"What a look on your face. I hope you weren't planning to get away with it. Or do you think you're such a cute man that you'll do it for free?
The woman laughed and lit a cigarette. The man stood up silently and looked out the window.

"When a woman gets into trouble, people don't seem to care. They don't want to get involved."
"What are you talking about? I'm asking if you're going to pay me."

Laughing with a horrifyingly kind expression on his face, the man said,
"I'm not saying I'm not. It's just that you used my kitchen to get customers."
"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Are you crazy?"
The woman's words were of no concern to him.
"You can keep using my place if you want".
"Oh, it's your house. It can't be your house.
I was right in thinking it was not of this world. The devil. It was Lucifer breathing hard above and below me.
"Yes, I am the devil. You look as if to say, "How did you know?'"
The blood drained from the woman's face.
"I'll pay you your allowance. You pay for the use of the kitchen. Five cents off... fair trade, fair deal, don't you think?"
"That's a lot of money."
"You don't think I can't see that you have a nickel left in that bag you've been hanging on to for dear life from the Cherokee woman?
And so the woman lost her freedom, along with her last nickel. From then on, every time she took a guest in the man's kitchen, the roar of the wind would never leave her ears.

