Tuesday, August 28th, 2023

•Yesterday, I got up around 9 o’clock to catch Canadian basketball team on TV. Their opponent was Latvia. Although it was a close game in the first half, in second half Canada was leading by margin little by little and they beat Latvia finally. I’m not Canadian but Japanese. However I’m supporting Canada cuz I live in Toronto and My love for this town has been coming to be bigger more and more. Later on, I studied English, had pasta for lunch, studied English again and I went to school. As usual I went to Loblos and bought something to eat. A box of chocolate brownies was what I bought yesterday. Also a seal of 50% discount was stuck on it but it didn’t apply to me so that’s why I got it at the list price.


• Yesterday, I woke up around 9 a.m. to catch the Canadian basketball team on TV. They were playing against Latvia. While the first half was a close game, in the second half, Canada slowly built up a lead and ultimately emerged victorious over Latvia. I'm actually not Canadian; I'm Japanese. However, I'm a big supporter of Canada because I live in Toronto, and my fondness for this city keeps growing.

• After that, I spent some time studying English, grabbed some pasta for lunch, did more English studying, and then headed to school. As usual, I swung by Loblaw's and picked up something to eat. Yesterday, I ended up buying a box of chocolate brownies. Interestingly, there was a 50% discount sticker on it, but unfortunately, it didn't apply to me, so I paid the regular price for it.

•play against 〜と対戦する

•build up 〔~の程度が〕高まる、増大する

•ultimately 最終的には

•emerge victorious 勝利を収める

•fondness for〜 〜に対する愛着、愛情

•spend 時間 doing 時間をdoingして過ごす

•grab 食べ物 食べ物を食べる

•swing by 場所 場所に立ち寄る

•pick up= buy

•interestingly 興味を引くように

•sticker シール

•pay (お金) for 商品 (お金)を商品に払う
