
Happy Women's Map 徳島県 日本初のベストセラー尼僧作家 瀬戸内 寂聴 女史

-徳島新聞 / Tokushima News

瀬戸内 寂聴 女史
Ms. Jyakucho Setouchi
1922 - 2021
徳島県徳島市塀裏町 生誕
Born in Tokushima-city, Tokushima-ken

"I want to let you know that there are people out there who support you."

Setouchi Jyakucho is Japan's first bestselling nun-author. She has published semi-autobiographical erotic novels involving extramarital affairs, elopement, and triangular relationships. While facing criticism as a "pornography writer" and a "uterus writer," she remains a popular female writer who receives support from women across a wide range of generations spanning the Showa, Heisei, and Reiwa eras.


瀬戸内寂聴(本名 晴美)は徳島県徳島市塀裏町(現・幸町)の仏壇店を営む両親のもと生まれます。幼少期は体が弱い文学少女で、物語を想像して自身を楽しませます。徳島高等女学校卒業後、東京女子大学に進学。在学中20歳で同郷の国立北京大学助教授の酒井悌氏と見合い結婚、翌年北京に移り娘を出産します。終戦後、親子3人で徳島に引き揚げ、夫の教え子の文学青年と不倫、夫に打ち明けるも一家3人で上京します。26歳のとき夫と3歳の長女を棄て、不倫相手と京都で生活を始めます。大翠書院などに勤めながら、大学の女先輩を介して、初めて書いた小説「ピグマリオンの恋」を評論家の福田恆存氏に送ります。「モノになるとも言えない、ならないとも言えない」の評価になお精進します。正式に離婚、上京して本格的に小説家を目指します。『少女世界』・『ひまわり』に投稿した少女小説が掲載され、以後小学館また講談社で少女小説や童話を書きはじめます。作家の丹羽文雄氏が私費で若手作家を支える『文学者』に参加、同門下の作家で妻子持ちの小田仁二郎氏と同棲を始めます。34歳で処女作「痛い靴」を『文学者』で発表、翌年「女子大生・曲愛玲」で新潮同人雑誌賞を受賞。不倫関係また駆け落ちを描いた私小説『花芯』を講談社で発表後、ポルノ小説家また子宮作家と批判を受けてから『講談倶楽部』『婦人公論』など大衆雑誌で作品を発表。39歳のとき同人誌『無名誌』で連載した『田村俊子』で田村敏子賞受賞、新潮社に発表した不倫関係また三角関係を描いた私小説『夏の終り』で女流文学賞を受賞、作家としての地位を確立。作家で妻子持ちの井上光晴氏と不倫を始めます。51歳で出家、今春聴大僧正を師僧として中尊寺にて天台宗で得度。以後、死刑囚・麻薬中毒者・小保方晴子女史など社会から非難される人と説教的に交流、悩める人に寄り添い亡くなる直前まで法話また執筆を続けます。

Setouchi Jyakucho (real name Harumi) was born to parents who ran a Buddhist altar shop in Hauuchimachi (now Sakae-machi), Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture. In her early childhood, she was a frail literary girl who entertained herself by imagining stories. After graduating from Tokushima High School for Girls, she enrolled at Tokyo Women's University. At the age of 20, while still a student, she had a prearranged marriage with Saburo Sakai, an associate professor at the National Peking University from the same hometown. The following year, she moved to Beijing and gave birth to a daughter. After the end of World War II, she returned to Tokushima with her daughter, and began an affair with a young literature student who had been a pupil of her husband. She confessed this to her husband but the three of them moved to Tokyo. At the age of 26, she abandoned her husband and 3-year-old daughter and started a life in Kyoto with her lover. While working at places like Daishuishoin, she sent her first novel, "Pygmalion's Love," which she had written with the help of a female senior from university, to the critic Koichiro Fukuda. She continued to strive for improvement despite the evaluation of "neither becoming something nor not becoming something." She divorced her husband officially and moved to Tokyo to pursue a career as a novelist. She began writing girls' novels and fairy tales, which were published in magazines such as "Shoujo Sekai" and "Himawari," mainly by Shogakukan and Kodansha. She joined the literary journal "Bungakusha," supported by the author Fumio Niwa, and began living with Jinjiro Oda, a fellow writer under the same mentorship. At the age of 34, she published her debut work "Painful Shoes" in "Bungakusha," and the following year, she won the Shincho Fellow Magazine Award for "Female College Student・Kyoku Airei." After publishing the semi-autobiographical novel "Flower Heart," depicting extramarital affairs and elopement, in Kodansha, she faced criticism as a pornography writer and a "uterus writer," but she continued to publish works in popular magazines such as "Koudan Kurabu" and "Fujin Kouron." At the age of 39, she won the Toshiko Tamura Prize for "Toshiko Tamura," which was serialized in the fanzine "Mumei-shi," and she established her position as a writer by winning the Women's Literature Award for her private novel "End of Summer," depicting extramarital and triangular relationships, published by Shinchosha. She began an affair with Mitsuharu Inoue, an author who was also married and had children. At the age of 51, she became a Buddhist nun, and this spring, she was ordained in the Tendai sect at Chusonji Temple under the guidance of the Chief Priest Shaku Daisojo. Since then, she has engaged in a preachy dialogue with people criticized by society, such as death row inmates, drug addicts, and Ms. Haruko Obokata, and she has provided spiritual guidance and continued writing until shortly before her passing.

-徳島県立文学書道館 Tokushima Prefectural Museum of Literature and Calligraphy
-徳島新聞 Tokushima News

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