お彼岸のお墓参り September in Kyoto: visit the grave seasonally not monthly

2023年は9月20日が彼岸の入り、9月23日 彼岸中日、9月26日 彼岸結願。
September in Kyoto 2023
My mother used to visit monthly to my fathers's grave on his passing date. What I used to do so has now become somthing I can only do seasonally. Why? It's still quite hot with temperatures easily exceeding 30 degrees Celsius, even though it's autumn equinox. Is this the only reason?
As I age, I've started to feel various aches and pains in different parts of my body. Medical science has advanced, offering various methods of treatment, and now it's possible to receive advanced medical care while continuing with daily life. However, there are still a few days with some constraints. Both the individual and their family feel relief and a sense of liberation when the constraints are lifted.
In 2023, the Ohigan period began on September 20th(Higan no iri) through the autmun equinox on 23rd (Higan no Chunichi) and concluded on 26th (Higan Ketsugan). During the Ohigan period, people visit the family grave and hold services for the ancestors.  
Somehow, I managed to visit the grave within the month of September.
On the way back from visiting the grave, I suddenly felt grateful for my health. This feeling allows me to take longer strides during walks, and I feel like I can go farther than usual.
