
脱構築によって生まれたシリーズ 「身体の声を聴く」



ところで「脳と身体」や「人間と自然」をそれぞれ二項対立の一種として捉えられないでしょうか。事実、 前者は後者より優れている、上位にあると見なされてきました。 こうして「脳/身体」を脱構築することでシリーズ「身体の声を聴く」が生まれ、「人間/自然」の脱構築がシリーズ「地球の化石」へとつながりました。

シリーズ 「身体の声を聴く」


Binary opposition and Deconstruction

Binary opposition is the system by which two opposing concepts are strictly defined and used to show their contrast, such as good/evil, rich/poor, white/black, male/female, light/dark, life/death. Deconstruction is a method used to expose contradictions within binary oppositions and undermine their authority. In the theory of binary oppositions, the former term is often regarded as superior to the latter, which can lead to issues of racism and sexism. However, the truth is that the former cannot exist without the latter. Deconstruction dismantles existing systems, reverses hierarchical relationships, and presents new possibilities for understanding in a different way.
In my work, I focused on the concepts of ‘brain/body’ and 'humans/nature’ as kinds of binary oppositions because these have been traditionally regarded as superior and inferior concepts, respectively. Then, I deconstructed the binary opposition of ‘brain/body’ and came up with the idea for the series ‘Listen to the body’. Deconstructing the binary opposition of 'humans/nature’ also led me to the creation of the series ‘Fossil of the earth’.

Series ‘Listen to the body’

Throughout human history, the body has been regarded as a tool for the brain. Recently the IT revolution continues to deprive us of opportunities to use our body. Now the body may be losing even this position as a tool. In the first place, is the body a tool of the brain at all?' The brain & the body', both are compared using the binary opposition. It is always considered that the former is superior to the latter. But when we regard the brain is a part of the body, we can see another scenery based on the theory of deconstruction. We can listen to our body.
In order to see the true nature of the body in a new light, I have been making artworks which transmit my body's movements directly onto the paper as tracks of my action. In this series, I tried to express physical movement to reconsideration of our embodiment, almost like successive images created by high-speed photography.
