
Japanese Reaction: How American Movies Treated Japanese and Culture (Katana from Suicide Squad)

One example: Katana (Suicide Squad)

 Katana appeared in comics in 1983, in ridiculous red and yellow for the first time. It was almost 40 years ago. Now, she got new ridiculous costume. In my opinion,175 million dollars were not enough to hire someone who is sensitive about Japan. First of all, as a native Japanese, the sentence on her trouser looks odd. Strictly speaking, the sentence is grammatically correct. However, it is awkward expression, and using whole sentence for clothes design is unusual thing. Perhaps, translator managed to translate English to Japanese, but did not understand a sense of the language. 

 Secondly, why are the eye holes of her mask slanted? What is the motif? 鬼(oni)? 狐(fox)? At least, the mask looks being made for only purpose to express slanted eyes. Someone would say it is just "accidental", and I do know, for non-Asian people, it is extremely difficult to realize how frequent the kinds of "accidental" things occurred to Asian characters. All I have to say is, it does not matter if the Asians really look like that or not. It is unacceptable to use expressions or designs that make the person being described feel uncomfortable. Even if the described person is Asian or African, the essence of the problem is the same. "That culture and way of thinking looks cool" cannot be excuse to misrepresent or play with them selfishly. Nothing changed from Breakfast at Tiffany's.

 There were many ways to prevent this from happening. You could simply ask the Japanese people, or you could do some certain research. If you want to know the name of Japanese, just use useful tools that are called PC or  smartphone in front of you, and search "Japanese name" on Google or Yahoo, not use(or create) ridiculously rare or incomprehensible name. It is not the best way, but better than Takachiho, Yunioshi, Tomago, and Yashida. 

 If you love or are interested in cultures of other countries, that is lovely. However, please remind yourself: culture is someone's real way to live.

※Following is the problematic movies  I'd like to talk about but gave up because of tiredness: The Karate Kid (1984), Kill Bill (2003), The Last Samurai (2003), Hannibal Rising (2007), The Wolverine (2013) ……etc.


 日本人は割と海外のトンデモ日本表現に寛容、悪く言えば鈍感だと思っています。ニンジャスレイヤーやサウスパークのLet's Fighting Loveなんかもゲラゲラ笑って楽しんでるし、たまにそれらの設定を逆輸入して「日本製トンデモ日本」を作ってたりしますしね。ですが今、アメリカの(特に大手映画会社の)本気作なのに明らかに日本観がおかしい映画を笑ってスルーするのは少し危険だと感じ始めています。日本に住んでいてもPS4のチャットで海外の方と出くわしたり、Twitterで話しかけられたりなんてことあると思います。その中で吊り目ジェスチャーをやってきたり、日本人だからと下ネタを言われたりするのは、それらの間違った日本観をずっと放置していたせいだと言わざるを得ません。個人的に楽しむのは全く問題ないですが、違うところは違う、NOはNOだと指摘しなければ「日本人は間違った表現をしても文句をいってこない」と舐めた態度を取られます。「察し」なんて通じないので発言しなければ存在しないのと同じです。というより現時点で既にベロベロです。最悪、指摘しても「アジア人の言うことだから」でスルーされます(Netflixかどこかで監督がアジア系を軽んじて糾弾されたってニュースがあった気がするんですが検索しても出てこん…誰か記事見つけたら教えて下さい) また「彼らは悪気があってやっているわけではないんだから良いじゃないか」とおっしゃる方もたまに見かけますが「悪気がないのは純粋な邪悪(D4C)」だってそれ何度も(ry 2016年のアカデミー賞授賞式でもアジア人に対するひっでぇジョークが飛んで大騒ぎになってました。ジョークは笑えないとジョークじゃねぇんだよ。


↓BUY ME Ghost of Tsushima, maybe I'll review. MAYBE.

