なんちゃってData Scientist。 Yoga Alliance YRT 200…


なんちゃってData Scientist。 Yoga Alliance YRT 200 in 2013取得。 Curator in 2010 取得。 最近の日々:農家ボランティア、文化財保護・保存のボランティア、アニソンをピアノで弾くこと。ほへ~っと生きてます。


Edible Garden Diary - End of A Half Year

The peas have grown large, and I begun to put up supports to keep them from falling over. I don't think they will grow that tall since they are vine-free. スナップエンドウが大きくなってきましたので、支柱をたてました。蔓なしなのでそこまで背が高くならないのですが。 Cherry tomatoes, eggplant, b

    • Edible Garden Diary

      I was a bit busy with office work but it was hot so I just continued watering. 仕事が少し立て込んでいましたが、暑かったので、頑張って水やりと、雑草取りだけは継続。 I was supposed to be able to go to the farm to volunteer for a long time, but it rained today and I had to cancel. 今週

      • Edible Garden Diary - Recent Harvests

        Suddenly it became extremely hot. I am not sure if the rainy season in 2024 have already started or not. I have to water them My vegetables are not in good condition. Okura has borne fruits before it has reached its enough height. The Ma

        • Edible Garden Diary - After Heavy Rain

          Slugs are living in my boots from yesterday heavy rain. So there were other vegetables I wanted to pick and check, but i only reach cherry tomatoes and eggplants without the boots. The side shoots of the cherry tomatoes, which are more th

        Edible Garden Diary - End of A Half Year

          Edible Garden Diary - Dried Flower

          When I dried the Echinacea flowers, they became different appearance from what I had imagined. Somehow artistic, aren't they? エキナセアの花を干してみたら、想像していたのとは異なる姿に。なんとなく芸術的に思えて飾りました。 updated by android.

          Edible Garden Diary - Dried Flower

          Edible Garden Diary -Simple Cooking

          High humidity and temperature have made us exhausted. Summer vegetables are helpful for our dehydrated body. 本当に急激に暑くなって夏野菜が熱中症や脱水予防に役立ちそうです。 Cutted cucumber and ginger dressed with two spoon of rice vinegar, a spoon of sugar and a spoon o

          Edible Garden Diary -Simple Cooking

          Edible Garden Diary - Recent Harvest

          I found three Japanese plum fruits. 3つの梅の実みつけました。 Sweet scent… とってもいい香り…. Okura has flowered while still its height is short. オクラの背丈がまだ低いのに、こんなに花を咲かせてしまいました。いいのかしら。

          Edible Garden Diary - Recent Harvest

          Edible Garden Diary - A Way To Go...

          I went to the home of a former company boss who passed away late last year. After he was retired, he was farming with his wife. But I have never visited him even met him… 昨年亡くなった元上司のおうちにお線香をあげにうかがいました。彼はリタイア後、ご家族と一緒に農業をやっていらっしゃると伺っていました。一度も

          Edible Garden Diary - A Way To Go...

          Edible Garden Diary - Harvest

          Harvest this morning. It may not be even 1% self-sufficient, but it is a little add-on to our dining table. Fermented soy beans (called natto) with shiso leaves, miso soup with Malabar spinach, salad with wasabi greens and cherry tomatoes a

          Edible Garden Diary - Harvest

          Edible Garden Diary - Before Rainy Season

          Harvest today. I have a lot of things before rainy season. I weeded, pruned red robin and rosemary, and eliminated chameleon mint…. 梅雨入り前にたくさんやることがあります。雑草取り、生け垣であるレッドロビンの剪定、ドクダミとり。ローズマリーも剪定しました。ちょっとだけとおもっても、2時間近くうっかりしたら作業してたみたいです。 I gave

          Edible Garden Diary - Before Rainy Season

          Edible Garden Diary - Echinacea

          Is this because you planted Echinacea rocky top and virgin in close proximity? I feel like they're kind of crossbreeding since 2021. Related Post Jun 1 Related Post May 26

          Edible Garden Diary - Echinacea

          Edible Garden Diary - Updated Status

          Finally, mini-tomatoes began to turn red. I put up tegus threads to keep crows away, but cobwebs had formed on the tegus threads. ついにミニトマトが赤くなり始めました。テグス糸を張って、カラス除けをしているのですが、テグス糸に蜘蛛の巣ができていました。 Snap pea seeded last week came out. スナップエンドウ(つる

          Edible Garden Diary - Updated Status

          Support to Farmer Vol 15, 2024

          Quite busy day… Today I took care of a field for a public lecture. It looks like only 8 people would like to participate the lecture. I wonder if everyone is out elsewhere after government is to downgrade the legal status of COVID-19 to “C

          Support to Farmer Vol 15, 2024

          Edible Garden Diary - Lavender

          Although I am not an early riser, somehow I can get up early for the purpose of harvest. I got up early to deliver harvest tomorrow. The whole room is filled with the nice smell of lavender. 収穫のためなら早起きもなぜかできる。早起きは本当に苦手なんですけれども。明日、収穫を知人にお届けす

          Edible Garden Diary - Lavender

          Edible Garden Diary - Herbs

          You may be surprised, but tomato, cucumber and a lot of mint salad is quite good. I chose a sesame dressing today. えーと拒絶される方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、取れすぎて困っていらっしゃるミント、サラダに少しではなく、たっぷり入れても問題なさそうです。前回は恐る恐る入れましたが、今日は、トマト、キュウリ、たっぷりミントで、胡麻ドレッシングをかけました。生の葉

          Edible Garden Diary - Herbs

          Edible Garden Diary - Fixed Point Observation

          May be next week is good for Potpourri. ポプリを作るという人にあげたくて、必死に定点観測。来週かなぁ….。

          Edible Garden Diary - Fixed Point Observation