「 他人の振り見て我が振り直せ 」とは言うけど、そもそも自分では気付けないんですってのは一番の問題なんよね。
今回は、YouTubeやSNSで良くみかける「 お前の意見は聞いてへんねん! 」っていうコメント欄から、残暑を涼しく過ごすホラーな「 聞き上手になれへん理由 」学びをお届けします🧟♂️
結論から言うと、動画内でオススメされていたマンガは「 働きマン 」「 スラムダンク 」「 サラリーマン金太郎 」の3作品です。早速、読んだことがなかった「 働きマン 」をAmazonでポチりました(中古まとめ買い)。
「 私は、キングダムですね! 」
「 宇宙兄弟、ヒロアカ、鬼滅の刃です! 」
YouTubeやSNSのコメントで、どうしても自分の意見をいいたがる人が溢れています。今回の中野優作さんの動画コメント欄もご確認ください。そこそこの人数が「 私はこれ! 」と自分のオススメマンガを(聞かれてもないのに)紹介しています。
マジ、売れない営業マンって「 すぐ 」「 つい 」自社紹介とか商品説明しちゃうんよね…。
で、こういう勝手に自分のオススメマンガコメントしている人は、中野優作さんの他の動画で「 相手の話を聞くことの重要さを学びました! 」なんてコメントしていたりします😭。 これが、メタ認知がバグっている状態です。それほど、人の話を聞いていない自分をメタ認知するのは難しい超難度スキルなんです。
@ゴリラブログ過去記事から「 最強の聞き方 」を学び直し!
(2/29記事)聞く力が9割❷!やっぱり研修講師は教えてくれない、気づかないうちに信頼を失っている「 中級編こそ 」最強のオウム返し!
今回のYouTubeで言うと、中野さんが動画内で紹介している「 働きマン 」「 スラムダンク 」「 サラリーマン金太郎 」についてコメントするのが正解です。
『 とりま、働きマン、Amazon全巻セット買いしました(中古)😁 』
さらに、読後の「 速報 」まで送れば最高ですね。
「 本当に 」相手の話を聞いているかどうか?とは、こういうことです。「 相手の話を聞いて、自分の意見を言う 」のは、まだまだ凡人です。「 相手の話を聞いて、相手の話をする 」が、一流がさりげなくやっているコミュニケーションです。
そうなんです。ホンマにマジでとにかく、我々は相手の話を聞きません。自分の好きな様に自分の都合良く自分の勝手な解釈で聞いています。で、最後には、自分の意見を「 聞いて欲しい 」んです。ひぁああぁぁ~!
情報発信者が「 ぜひ、あなたのオススメマンガをコメントください!」って言ったとき、です。じゃない限り「 自分の場所(ブログ、SNS) 」で発信しましょう。
Learning from Comments on Recommended Manga Best 3: Traits of People Who Can't Listen
"Learn from others' mistakes" they say, but the biggest problem is that you can't notice your own mistakes.
This time, let's learn from the comments like "I don't care about your opinion!" often seen on YouTube and social media, and discover the horror of why some people can't become good listeners. 🧟♂️
Learning the essence of people who just want to express their own opinions
Recently, YouTuber Yusaku Nakano uploaded a video titled "Business Tips You Can Only Get from Manga. I'll Tell You My Top 3 Recommended Manga."
In conclusion, the recommended manga in the video were "Hataraki Man," "Slam Dunk," and "Salaryman Kintaro." I immediately ordered "Hataraki Man" on Amazon (used, bulk purchase) since I hadn't read it before.
"I recommend Kingdom!"
"My favorites are Space Brothers, My Hero Academia, and Demon Slayer!"
I don't care about your opinion!
On YouTube and social media, there are always people who want to share their opinions. Check out the comments on Yusaku Nakano's video. Many people are sharing their recommended manga (even though no one asked).
Oh dear...
Unsuccessful salespeople often quickly start talking about their company or products...
And these people who share their recommended manga without being asked often comment on other videos by Yusaku Nakano saying, "I learned the importance of listening to others!" This is a state of meta-cognitive failure. It's extremely difficult to be aware of how little you listen to others.
The correct way to comment on recommendations
Learn the "best way to listen" from past articles on Gorilla Blog!
(8/10) How to listen in a way that makes people want to talk more and the absolute worst ways to listen
(7/02) Sales techniques for introverts: The most important secret technique for PowerPoint proposals and strategies for successful or failed negotiations
(2/29) Listening skills are 90%! The intermediate level of parroting that even training instructors don't teach
I've written the correct way 100,000 times before, so please check again!
Talk about the other person
In this YouTube example, the correct comment is to talk about the manga introduced by Nakano: "Hataraki Man," "Slam Dunk," and "Salaryman Kintaro."
Which comment would make the other person (Nakano) happy?
[A] (Unasked) Viewer’s recommended manga
[B] Comments on the manga Nakano recommended
Here's the comment I intentionally wrote:
"I bought the complete set of Hataraki Man on Amazon (used) 😁"
And if you send a "review" after reading, it's even better.
Are you really listening to the other person?
Listening to the other person and then expressing your opinion is still ordinary. Listening to the other person and talking about what they said is what top communicators do effortlessly.
We really don't listen to others. We interpret things in our own way and want others to listen to our opinions in the end. Ahhh!
Please share your recommendations in the comments!
Only when the information sender says, "Please share your recommended manga in the comments!" Otherwise, share it on your own blog or social media.
Do you understand?
I'm not writing about how to use YouTube or social media comments. I'm writing about how the world you think you understand and the real world are vastly different. It's that difficult. That's why mastering listening skills can make you one in a thousand.
Please learn in the Mastermind course 😁 (selling my own product)
It's a super rare course where I've thoroughly verbalized the communication world I've practiced thousands of times. If you master it, you can easily gain trust even with someone you've just met.
Comments to Gorilla are welcome as long as they are kind, whether they are opinions or impressions 😁 Comments that lack respect will be @Gori