

Do the benefits of technological improvements outweigh any negative side effects?
1 Digital products are not good for public health.
2 Although everything is changed conveniently, people still are busy.
3 Telecommunication prevents people from doing morally behavior in face-to-face communication.

1 デジタル製品は公衆衛生に良くありません。
2 すべてが便利に変わったとはいえ、人々はまだ忙しいです。
3 テレコミュニケーションは、対面コミュニケーションで人々が道徳的な行動をとることを妨げます。
     Historically, human beings have obtained huge boons from technological improvements. However, all citizens still suffer from tasks that they should do immediately. I believe that the benefits of technological improvements do not outweigh any negative side effects.


     Primary, thanks to the IT revolution, more and more people have started to use many digital products. However, they are not good for public health as many researchers say. Digital products, such as computers and smartphones generate strong light directly to the eyes. Especially children are vulnerable to these shocking light waves and digital content.

主に、IT 革命のおかげで、ますます多くの人々が多くのデジタル製品を使い始めています。しかし、多くの研究者が言うように、それらは公衆衛生に良くありません。パソコンやスマートフォンなどのデジタル製品は、目に直接強い光を発します。特に子供たちは、これらの衝撃的な光の波やデジタル コンテンツの影響を受けやすくなっています。 

     Second, no matter how everything is changed drastically convenient, people are still busy. This fact has shown that technological improvements are not related to individuals’ happiness. Indeed, all improvements change society better, but they are usually related to the economy. Many people died of the busyness of working which is accelerated by technological improvements.


     Last, tele communicative technologies make people lose moral value. Until this day, people mainly communicate through face-to-face conversations, but now, they are transforming to online communication. They are convenient; however, they take away the ability to read someone’s mind, emotions, and mental condition.

     However technological improvements have done, there are always huge side effects that can lead individuals to disease. For these reasons I mentioned above, I believe that technological improvements do not outweigh any other side effects in long-term prosperity.

