

Animal Features Did Not Evolve


by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Feb. 8, 2024

There’s no doubt that animals in God’s creation have iconic features. The question is, did these features evolve or were they created that way from the beginning?

Elise Poore of Live Science recently wrote an article titled “How 10 animals evolved their iconic features.”1 She begins by asking, “Why are whales so big?” and then provides examples for what she thinks are evolutionary evidences in the field of zoology. There is no mention of the ancestral origin of the various notable features she mentions, nor are empirical evidences listed for their evolution. Regardless, the article includes the following examples.
 Live Scienceのエリス・プーア氏は最近、「10種の動物はいかにして象徴的な特徴を進化させたか」と題する記事を書きました。彼女はまず「クジラはなぜあんなに大きいのか」と問いかけ、次に動物学の分野で彼女が進化論的証拠と考えるものの例を挙げています。しかし、彼女が言及する様々な顕著な特徴の祖先の起源についての言及はなく、それらの進化についての経験的証拠も挙げられていません。それにもかかわらず、この記事には次のような例が挙げられています。

Elephant tusks. The tusks of elephants are a graphic feature of these lumbering animals, but there’s no evidence they evolved.2 Poore stated, “[Researchers] also suggested that the tusks evolved independently in different populations over time. When the tusks developed, soft tissue ligaments formed, anchoring the large teeth to the jaw”1 (emphasis added). But just saying that tusks “developed” does not explain their evolutionary origin or how they evolved.

Hammerhead shark head. Sharks have always been sharks.3 Everyone would agree the head of the hammerhead is indeed bizarre, but hammerheads have always been hammerheads with no fossil evidence of slow, gradual evolution from an ancestor to their present, unique state.4 An evolutionist from the University of Colorado Boulder stated, “Hammerheads are special fish, and there is nothing that remotely resembles them anywhere on the planet.”5 Poore said, “Scientists hypothesized that modern hammerheads’ unusually shaped heads came from larger individuals and only later showed up in smaller bodied hammerheads, like the bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo), as they evolved”1 (emphasis added). There is no fossil evidence of such evolution, just speculation.
 シュモクザメの頭部:サメは常にサメでした。シュモクザメの頭部が確かに奇妙であることは誰もが認めるところですが、シュモクザメは常にシュモクザメであり、祖先から現在のユニークな状態へとゆっくりと段階的に進化したという化石の証拠はありません。コロラド大学ボルダー校の進化論者は、「シュモクザメは特別な魚で、地球上のどこを探しても似ているものはいません」と述べています。プーア氏は、「科学者たちは、現代のシュモクザメの異常な形状の頭部は、より大きな個体から生まれ、後にボンネットヘッド(Sphyrna tiburo)のような小さな体のシュモクザメが進化して初めて現れたという仮説を立てたのです」と述べています。しかし、そのような進化の化石的証拠はなく、単なる推測にしかすぎません。

Blue whales’ size. Poore stated, “Their size makes it hard to believe that mammoth sea mammals evolved from a dog-sized ancestor, Pakicetus.”1 Evolutionist Michael Benton said, “Looking at the great blue whale, 30 m [100 ft] long, or a fast-swimming dolphin, it is hard to imagine how they evolved from terrestrial mammal ancestors, and yet that is what happened.”6 Indeed, it is hard to imagine and believe such an incredible evolutionary transformation given the fossil record does not support it: “But how and when cetacean ancestors [such as Pakicetus] became fully aquatic remains a subject of intense debate.”7 There is no fossil progression documenting this farfetched transition from a tetrapod. The evidence shows that blue whales have always been blue whales.
 シロナガスクジラの大きさ:プーア氏は、「その大きさから、マンモス級の海棲哺乳類が犬サイズの祖先であるパキケトゥスから進化したとは考えにくい」と述べています。進化論者のマイケル・ベントン氏は、「体長30メートルのシロナガスクジラや速く泳げるイルカを見ていると、彼らが陸生哺乳類の祖先からどのように進化したのか想像するのは難しいですが、実際にはそれは起こったのです」と述べています。しかし、化石記録がそれを裏付けていない以上、このような驚くべき進化を想像し、信じることは困難です: 「しかし、鯨類の祖先(パキケトゥスなど)がいつ、どのようにして完全に水生化したのかは、いまだに激しい議論の対象です」。

Tiger stripes. After giving an overview of the unique nature of tiger stripes, Poore says, “In 1952, the British Mathematician Alan Turing theorized that a chemical reaction between two homogeneous substances were responsible for the famous tiger-stripe pattern, along with other patterns commonly found in nature. He dubbed these substances ‘morphogens.’”1 Describing the discovery of how the striped pattern forms via morphogens (which was experimentally validated in 2012) says nothing about how tiger stripes evolved on their own from an unknown ancestor that had no stripes.
 タイガーストライプ:タイガーストライプのユニークな性質の概要を説明した後、プーア氏は次のように述べています:「1952年、イギリスの数学者アラン・チューリングは、2つの均質な物質間の化学反応が、自然界によく見られる他の模様とともに、有名な虎の縞模様の原因であると理論付けました。彼はこれらの物質を "モルフォゲン "と名づけました」。モルフォゲンを介して縞模様が形成される仕組みの発見(2012年に実験的に検証された)について述べても、縞模様のない未知の祖先から虎の縞模様がどのように独自の進化を遂げたかについては何も述べられていません。

Hummingbirds’ long bill. Poore stated, “Hummingbirds split from swifts—insect-eating birds that have shorter and wider beaks—in Europe 42 million years ago. They then appeared in South America around 22 million years ago.”1 This is entirely theoretical. Meanwhile, the fossil record shows hummingbirds have always remained just as they are down to their beaks. The journal Science described “tiny skeletons of stem-group hummingbirds from the early Oligocene of Germany that are of essentially modern appearance and exhibit morphological specializations toward nectarivory and hovering flight”8 (emphasis added). The Science paper referred to these as “the oldest fossils of modern-type hummingbirds, which had not previously been reported from the Old World.” Hummingbird bills did not evolve to better feed on different flower species; they were specially designed by the Lord Jesus from the beginning.

Genesis teaches God creating His creatures after their kind, complete with iconic features. The fossils verify that each of these features showed up fully formed and functional, with no transitional forms or ancestors. Fossils merely record the progressive burial of these creatures in the global Flood. We give glory to Jesus and not to the idols of random chance and time for these distinctive characteristics.

