

New Social Credit System In Italy Could Lead To ‘Serious Violations Of Rights,’ Spark Dangerous Trend
 Following Rome, the Italian city of Bologna recently announced plans to implement a pilot program for a social credit system, which will reward citizens for what they call “virtuous” behavior.

The municipal administration, including the city’s mayor, Matteo Lepore, and “digital agenda” director, Massimo Bugani, presented the controversial “Smart Citizen Wallet” on March 29th at a press conference on digital innovation.
 同市のMatteo Lepore市長や「デジタル・アジェンダ」担当のMassimo Bugani氏ら行政側は、3月29日、デジタル・イノベーションに関する記者会見で、論争になっている「スマート・シチズン・ウォレット」を発表しました。

According to reports, the “Smart Citizen Wallet” currently has a strong focus on “promoting climate-friendly behavior” and will reward citizens for things such as recycling, taking public transportation, avoiding tickets, and managing energy usage. A person’s score will then provide them with benefits such as discounts, cultural activities, and more.

Despite the city’s insistence that “no one will be forced to participate” in the social credit system, many are sounding the alarm about the dangers of its implementation, saying it could easily be expanded and abused by governing authorities.

After learning of the city’s intention to implement the system, Privacy Network, an Italian organization that seeks to “bring privacy and digital rights—to the general public,” issued a statement warning about the legal, ethical, and social ramifications of the “Smart Citizen Wallet.”

“These practices, if poorly developed or used, can also lead to serious limitations and violations of citizens’ rights and freedoms, as well as discriminatory practices, also pursued through technological means, such as ‘social credit’ systems (or social scoring),” the statement stressed. “Our concern is increased by the fact that similar systems have already been introduced in other Italian cities as well; first of all in Rome, where the Smart Citizen Wallet is already being tested.”
 声明では、「これらのシステムは、十分に開発されていない、または不完全に利用された場合、市民の権利と自由に対する深刻な制限や侵害が起きるリスクがあります。さらに「社会信用」システム(またはソーシャルスコアリング)などの技術的手段によって起きる差別的な慣行につながる可能性もあります」と強調しています。さらに 「イタリアの他の都市でもすでに同様のシステムが導入されています。スマート・シチズン・ウォレットのテストは、まずローマで行われますが、私たちの懸念はさらに大きくなっています。」とも指摘しています。

Many are comparing the “Smart Citizen Wallet” to China’s social credit system, which punishes and rewards members of society based on what they determine to be good or bad conduct.

According to The Hill, “China’s social credit system is a combination of government and business surveillance that gives citizens a ‘score’ that can restrict the ability of individuals to take actions — such as purchasing plane tickets, acquiring property or taking loans — because of behaviors.”
 The Hillによると、「中国の社会信用システムは、政府と企業の監視を組み合わせたもので、市民に「スコア」を与え、行動によって、個人が航空券の購入、不動産の取得、融資を受けるなどの行動を制限することができます。」とのことです。

An Italian author, Beatrice Silenzi, warned that potentially under the Italian system, as is already the case in China, “citizens will be assessed on the basis of obedience to the municipal administration.”
 イタリアの作家、Beatrice Silenzi氏は、イタリアのシステムの下では、中国ですでにそうであるように、「市民は市政への服従を基準に評価される」可能性があると警告しています。

The well-scoring person “will become a Serie A citizen, enjoying greater rights than everyone else,” Silenzi cautioned.

Concern is mounting that more regions and governments will soon decide to jump on the bandwagon by adopting their own social credit systems to supposedly battle various “social issues.”

Similar to the new Italian pilot program, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Mastercard joined forces in 2021 under the guise of combating so-called “climate change,” to create their own social credit system.

The UNFCCC and Mastercard designed a new kind of credit card, which received overflowing praise from the World Economic Forum, that helps users take “responsibility for every transaction” by having their spending monitored and cut off when their “carbon max” has been reached.

Examining Biblical Prophecy sheds startling light on the question of whether a social credit system will be used and abused by governments in the future.

In the book of Revelation, the Bible warns readers that a global government will form on earth in the future and that its leader will restrict the rights of citizens to buy and sell based on their submission to him and his government (Rev. 13). This leader, the “antichrist,” will demand that “all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” worship him and accept his “mark” during the seven-year tribulation:

Revelation 13:16-17 KJV – “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (read more about the mark of the beast — here).
13:16 また、小さい者にも、大きい者にも、富んでいる者にも、貧しい者にも、自由人にも、奴隷にも、すべての人々にその右の手かその額かに、刻印を受けさせた。 13:17また、その刻印、すなわち、あの獣の名、またはその名の数字を持っている者以外は、だれも、買うことも、売ることもできないようにした(獣の刻印の詳細は—こちら)。

The implementation of social credit scoring systems, the globalists’ push toward “abandon[ing] the traditional system of money” in exchange for digital, and the public conditioning to accept such government overreach, should be eye-opening. It demonstrates that this antichrist system, described in Scripture, is brazenly at the door.

As Christian author Jonathan Brentner recently explained, amid all of the agenda-driven deception, there is good news for those who know Christ and have accepted His free gift of Salvation.
 しかし、クリスチャン作家のJonathan Brentner氏が最近説明したように、あらゆる意図的な欺瞞の中にあって、キリストを知り、神からのフリーギフトである「救い」を受け入れた人々には良い知らせがあるのです。

“The good news is that the Lord will come for us before the start of the Tribulation and the appearance of the antichrist upon the world scene,” he underscored. “All of those in Christ will miss all of the wrath of the day of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11), this is the assurance of biblical prophecy.”
5:1兄弟たち。それらがいつなのか、またどういう時かについては、あなたがたは私たちに書いてもらう必要がありません。 5:2主の日が夜中の盗人のように来るということは、あなたがた自身がよく承知しているからです。 5:3人々が「平和だ。安全だ。」と言っているそのようなときに、突如として滅びが彼らに襲いかかります。ちょうど妊婦に産みの苦しみが臨むようなもので、それをのがれることは決してできません。 5:4しかし、兄弟たち。あなたがたは暗やみの中にはいないのですから、その日が、盗人のようにあなたがたを襲うことはありません。 5:5あなたがたはみな、光の子ども、昼の子どもだからです。私たちは、夜や暗やみの者ではありません。 5:6ですから、ほかの人々のように眠っていないで、目をさまして、慎み深くしていましょう。 5:7眠る者は夜眠り、酔う者は夜酔うからです。 5:8しかし、私たちは昼の者なので、信仰と愛を胸当てとして着け、救いの望みをかぶととしてかぶって、慎み深くしていましょう。 5:9神は、私たちが御怒りに会うようにお定めになったのではなく、主イエス・キリストにあって救いを得るようにお定めになったからです。 5:10主が私たちのために死んでくださったのは、私たちが、目ざめていても、眠っていても、主とともに生きるためです。 5:11ですから、あなたがたは、今しているとおり、互いに励まし合い、互いに徳を高め合いなさい。

Jesus tells Christians, “when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28).

